[Price Error] Sodastream Source Element Drink Machine $5.06- $5.27 (Was $130) @ JB Hi-Fi

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Killer deal on this :) add $5 for shipping.

The Element is a slick and elegant addition to your kitchen. Allows you to turn tap water into refreshing sparkling drinks in seconds!


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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi


  • will give it a go

  • Cheers. Lets see what happens.

  • Wicked cheers mate

  • +1

    Good find, got one for myself and another for a friend, hopefully its not a pricing error

  • Just ordered one! Hopefully, it comes through. Thanks for the find

  • never been cheaper than $120 on Pricespy..

  • Nice spotting, report if its a price error.

  • Gave it a go, but expecting an email from jbhifi tomorrow haha.

  • They have had errors before and not honoured it, such as a toshiba tablet for about $50, that should have been a few hundred. They just canceled all those peoples orders. I would be surprised if they honour it, although it does say hot sale and on sale?

    • heya i remembered that incident, because i was one such customer, very annoyed! I won't even bother to place an order now :)

      • Me too :) Although I have put one through just in case because you never know, and some companies would honour it, and it would be handy to have one.

  • Just bought one, fingers crossed.

  • How do you find these great deals ? :)

    • Pricespy I believe

    • Was looking at buying on of these ages ago and set up a price alert on PriceSpy.

  • Pricing has gone back up now

    • +2

      Just beat me to it. I managed to order one before though so fingers crossed they honor it! :)

      • -3

        From 5 bucks to $135, I am sure they will honor it. Yeah…. Nah.

        • Why the neg? Why not wait to it's been cancelled?

        • Oh it will be cancelled. And the neg is for JB only because my blood is boiling and cannot think straight, sorry

        • @Mulva: why is your blood boiling?

        • JB?

        • +7

          @Mulva: pretty sure you can't neg a post just because you don't like the company…

    • Expired.

  • Still no order cancellation email..

    • +3

      But no shipping confirmation either…..

      • -1

        They just started work over in oz. Processing online orders now.

    • last time they did this deal i never got a cancellation letter, just 2 weeks or so later got my cash back.

  • +1

    Got my order through at 7:30am. Just checked my credit card transactions and saw $1 gone to JB as a separate transaction. Anyone else had this?

    • No money has left my account yet

    • +2

      Used Paypal and they haven't taken any money yet.

    • lotsa businesses do this to test if ya cc is real, you'll get it back

  • I can't see the order in my orders list, so maybe they have already deleted it?

  • mine gone from pending to in progress you never know…

    • +2

      Do you mean the order status at the top, or the status beside the price? http://imgur.com/a/jF75w

      • in the account history view on the website. the link shows the same as yours tho ..

    • Same here, I'd still be surprised if they ship tho..

    • Mine still says pending. Maybe they are writing an email to send out to explain that it was another error, because they now have the special price at $130, so it doesn't look like it was supposed to be a $5 promotion. Although with cashbacks you can buy printers and other things for that sort of discount and price from time to time.

    • Mine is 'in progress' too. Looks hopeful…

    • +3

      Don't celebrate yet until status says Shipped. You can downvote me all you want, I am just saying what i am sayin' just to not get your hopes up thats all. I have dealt with this company b4, and Hardly Normal (Harvey Norman), and if things don't go their way, then you are being screwed.

      The only other company that fulfilled their supposedly mistaken low prices and orders was that 1-day website, but those items were cheap and unpopular.

      • Many companies will honour errors like that, it all depends on the company and the type of error.

        The thing is that if it was an error, those affected customers should have been contacted as soon as the error was detected. But it doesn't appear anyone has been contacted and it is now quite a while since they updated their website. So one can only presume it wasn't an error, or if it was, that they will be honouring it anyway? Or has anyone been contacted.

        • I haven't been contacted :), strange….

        • +1

          many companies, not jb

  • Whats the possibility of printing the receipt, going to the store and picking it up? the address given on the receipt is:
    JB Hi-Fi Group (NZ) Limited
    12/1 Wagener Place
    Mt Albert, Auckland
    New Zealand. 1025

    • +1


  • +2

    Last time with the tablet price error they took days to contact, don't get your hopes up

    • I recall in that case they contacted me the same or next day after placing the order. So it was a lot quicker.

  • Yea I ordered a price error tablet for $52 using paypal. Didnt get anything for a week and only found out it was refunded when I checked my paypal account. Very slack.

  • Mistakes happen but shouldn't they be sending out a "we are sorry" and cancellation email ASAP! like within 24 hours.

    • I steer people away from jb for the way they handled it last time

    • +1

      Yes exactly, if it is an error, the courteous thing to do would be to email all affected customers as soon as it is detected, with an apology. Mistakes happen yes, but this isn't the first of this type of mistake they have made. eg The $52 tablets they were selling but didn't honour . If they don't honour it, people should probably at least report it to the commerce commission, so they log it in their system. The more people that report these types of things, the more likely they may do something to prevent errors like this occurring. That is only of course if it is an error, and wasn't a limited time promo, and maybe they will surprise everyone.

      • yeah, if its an honest mistake then i don't expect them to be heaps out of pocket by honouring it, but at least an apology/explanation email, maybe a token free postage code or something thrown in if we're lucky

        • +2

          I agree. Although it still doesn't hurt to make a report to the commission, as they can then contact them to improve their processes to prevent these things reoccurring, and customers wasting their time. But the lack of communication at the moment either way isn't good.

        • @nzmax:

          also, some companies charge ur visa when u order, others charge it when they send the goods.
          seems cheeky to be the company that charges straight away……. then eventually refunds

  • +5

    I've ordered one, I also ordered the Toshiba tablet deal a while back. The reality is, we know this is a pricing error, and we knew the Toshiba deal was too. All of us proceed with full knowledge of this. It really is a risk free gamble that probably won't pay off. It's ridiculous to be outraged when companies don't honour these deals. I'll admit they could be faster to rectify their error, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

    • The Tablet deal was less of an obvious error than this, and so was less likely to have been seen as an obvious error, because you can buy tablets for $50 or less. For example the Amazon fire tablet, and some cheap android ones. It did also have 'hot price' or 'crazy deal' or similar next to it. I have also seen legit deals from them where they are selling items for 1/3 the RRP and I have thought it was an error, but they have honoured it, so sometimes the deals are fully legit.

      I have pasted the following from the NZ governments consumer protection website for this situation https://www.consumerprotection.govt.nz/get-guidance/shopping…

      Products advertised or sold at the wrong price

      Usually if a price is advertised or displayed incorrectly at a substantially lower price, a trader doesn’t have to sell you products at that price. The Contractual Mistakes Act (external link)may apply to fix any mistakes as to
      price made by you or both you and the seller if there is substantial inequality of value. But if they often advertise products at the wrong price or for a long time, they may be breaking the FTA by misleading you about the true price of products.

      So apparently they don't usually have to sell the product at that price, but they shouldn't be making regular pricing errors.
      I paid for mine via paypal, and it doesn't appear to have been processed, so I don't think there any chance that they will be honoring it. This is fine as I thought it was likely an error, but a prompt email to say sorry would have been the least we should have expected. But I think their online store is all run from over in Oz

  • +1

    well, my visa has been refunded, was nice of JB tel let me know there was a mistake and they were sorry, oh hang on they didn't. i will now continue to stop friends and family spending money there

    • Did your order status change? Mine still says In Progress and I haven't received a refund yet…

  • still says "pending"

    • +1

      Oh thanks, I will most probably get my refund next week then. I've expected it, but I can't believe that there was no communication at all to say sorry or even just to let you know that you will be refunded!! Pathetic!!

  • i saw this but didn't go for the deal as i already got a sodastream because TBH, unless you work it into your routine, they're not very practical. i barely use mine after the novelty wore off.

  • contacted support asking where my order is.

  • Order status changed to cancelled.

    • +1

      did you get the email? They're giving out $20 credit

      • Yea $20 gift card yay!

      • Yep

  • I got an email from Oz to say they have cancelled it as per their terms. They have however given a voucher as a goodwill gesture which I think is good. Apart from the delay,I think they have handled it better than last time with the tablets, when they didn't offer any goodwill gesture.

  • Dear [ClipIt],

    This email is to advise you that your online order for a Sodastream Source Element Drink Machine has been cancelled due to a pricing error on our Online Store.

    Whilst we take great care to ensure that our Online Store is 100% correct, occasionally, among the thousands of products that we sell from our Online Store, human error does occur with the result that mistakes regarding product pricing occur. Where such errors occur, JB Hi-Fi reserves the right to cancel orders, in accordance with clause 7.1(c) of the terms and conditions for our Online Store (see below):


    7.1 JB Hi-Fi reserves the right to cancel, at any time before delivery and for whatever reason, an Order that it has previously accepted. JB Hi-Fi may do this for example, but without limitation, where:

    (c) Goods ordered were subject to an error on the Website, for example, in relation to a description, price or image, which was not discovered prior to the Order being accepted;

    Please note that when an order is placed on our Online Store, we request a pre-authorisation from the account issuer to ensure that the card used to place the order is valid. This places a temporary hold on funds to the value of your order. Where your order is cancelled, the temporary hold on these funds is removed and the funds will be released back into your account. Unfortunately this takes time (2-5 business days) to work its way through the banking system. As your order has been cancelled, the funds should be released back into your account within the next week.

    We apologise for any inconvenience caused. As a gesture of goodwill, we would like to offer you a $20 JB Hi-Fi e-gift card, which will be emailed to the email address used to place your order within the next couple of days.

    Sales & Support Team | JB Hi-fi Online
    Australia: www.jbhifionline.com.au | New Zealand: http://shop.jbhifi.co.nz

  • same got letter and i guess a voucher, im back to recommending jb to ppl

    • better not make it strike three or else a hefty fine from ComCom, wise move JB

      • I don't see how occasional price errors on their website are worthy of a complaint to the ComCom, let alone a fine from them.

  • +2

    got my voucher :)

    • Good deal, how long untill expiry?

      • +1


        • Wish I hadn't been cleaning the oven that night:p

    • +1

      Me too.

      Check your junk box if you can't find yours, that's where mine was.

      • Yeah mine was in my junk email as well. Very happy with the voucher.

  • +1

    FYI all you guys talking about comcom, you don't have a justified claim. The fair trading act states that "Subject to this section, it is a defence to a prosecution for an offence against section 40 if the defendant proves— (a) that the contravention was due to a reasonable mistake etc" - effectively since it was $5 you can't actually expect the product to be for sale at that price and they can make money or even pay back the supplier(you all assumed it was an error) …. Google it.

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