Stuff is expensive in NZ :(

I am ex melbourne and stuff is crazy expensive here. Like TV's are nearly double.


  • That's why CC exists, my friend.

    I recall posting a TV from the Warehouse, 50 Inch for $599(, not a big branded model, but it's competitively priced versus products in Aus.

    Is there anything in particular you are after? You can always use the Find me a Bargain( forum section to request what you need.

  • $599 is expensive…..similar crap TV in australia costs only $399

    • Do you have an example?

      Have to also factor in +~15% on the AUD price to get to NZD with GST.

      I would consider this( the equivalent, and it's a sale price, low stock, delivery only.

      And this( is the cheapest on Staticice, and delivery is $30+.

      I'm not disagreeing with you on the main point though, generally a lot of stuff here is more expensive than elsewhere, but there are deals and bargains that close the gap or gain in our favor.

  • We should be comparing name brand TV's ….. not ones that are only sold in NZ

    JB hifi had a 48 incher for $399 on ozbargain. I guess +$150 after you add %5 tax and %10 dollar value.

    • You'll find that all the no-brand TV's are likely from the same original source, just re-branded for different retailers.

      The best bet for a good TV deal would most likely be after christmas sales, I'll be keeping an eye out then for deals.

      We are never going to consistently get the same prices as Aus, just like Aus are never going to consistently get the same prices as US/Europe get, it's just the way the logistical world works. I know alot of Aussies complain about their "Aussie Tax" but fail to realise that even smaller islands have it worse than they do, and I'm sure smaller islands than ours are worse again.

      But the idea of wanting Scotty and the team to setup a site in NZ was to try and work around that as much as possible, just like OZB has done for Aus.

  • Buying power would have alot to do with. I also suspect retail has not seen as much pressure from online buyers as they have in Australia, keeping prices higher than they should be.

    Anyway I am glad you set an NZ ozbargain equivalent site up :)

    The existing NZ bargain sites I could find here were useless ! pricespy was the most usefull I could find.

    • Yea, and that has been shown by ozb, if you can have a large enough community, the retailers will play into the sell more at a lower margin game.

      we researched the existing bargain hunting community before CC went live and found nothing that compared to what we want to achieve here, so its pretty much a barren market.

      I know I want everyone to be able to save money, and getting CC churning along nicely is pretty much the key to that in the mid to long term.

  • What I have noticed moving to NZ from Melbourne is many people I meet just do not shop online here. Its like they are 5-10years behind or something. I guess the $400 limit on imports kills it for many items as well as the fact that not enough people are buying online to pressure the retail prices down.

    • I would say it is because they simply don't know that they can save a few $$'s that way. A lot of people, however, do use Trademe, and I know alot of retailers are pushing customers to their websites rather than into retail stores. So the intent is there.

      The $400 limit could have something to do with it, but when you get to items priced $500+ you start seeing that it is still cheaper even after shipping and GST, so it's just a matter of whether it's worth it or not. A workmate of mine is looking at purchasing some PC parts from Amazon, all he needs to do is split the order (order multiple times) to get around this, it's not illegal to order this way.

      The interesting thing with CC in NZ, is that a large portion of our potential customer base simply don't know that these money saving avenues exist, as I mentioned above, and it is really the communities job to help others out to get better deals for their everyday and not-so everyday products. OZB has shown that this can be done, and very effectively, and we can too.

  • Yeah this place is funny in a way. Cars and Beer are super cheap :)….I can buy a 6 pack of VB for $7.50 AUD :) last time I was in Melb it cost me $17.50 AUD from coles

    …. however most foods & almost everything else costs more (10-20%). Petrol is like 25% more than AU

    All the crazy uni students ride skateboards with shorts, t-shirt and no shoes in the cold weather but I am freezing my nuts off in thermals & down jacket (Christchurch) !!

    • Yea, there will always be pros and cons either way, one item I find that is more expensive here is milk, that is strange.

      Yea, you'll get used to seeing that, I was in Europe recently, in winter, and I got alot of weird looks for wearing t-shirt and shorts around town, they didn't seem to understand what I was doing, all wrapped up in their puffy jackets!

  • yeah why is milk so epensive here ? NZ is like the worlds biggest dairy farm yet it costs nearly double/L vs AU ??

    • Not sure really, other than there is a monopoly running the industry.

      Countdown and Mad Butcher had $1/L milk for a while, but have stopped that now.

  • +1

    Are you the same TA from OZB? Did you just move to NZ? We might be moving over soon too. Sounds like NZ is expensive. Any other tips Shaw? Any good credit card deals? ING?internet? mobile phone? flights? any woolies/coles? sorry guess need to research more about NZ and learn new CC lingo instead of OZB :)

    thanks for setting this up for NZ…

    • +2

      I had wondered the same thing, and it's a different person, I don't think TA on OZB would have time to breathe let alone visit any other sites!

      Credit cards are hard, I don't use them or have any interest in them, but this site( has a good summary of what is available.

      Internet here is actually pretty competitive, $79 for 100 down and 20 up, no term contract, unmetered, but you have to live in a UFB area, which is the NZ FTTH equivalent of NBN.

      Mobile phones, I posted a deal about 2Degrees( offering a non term contract $69 plan with an additional user for free for 12 months, although it will have expired when you arrive, I will keep an eye out for any similar deals, and prepay most provider are offering the same deals at $19.

      Flights, from Aus or overseas? Best to keep an eye on OZB for flights over here. Travelling from NZ is expensive compared to Aus, we only have one low cost carrier, Jetstar, and the competition at the lowest price point is almost non existent.

      Woolworths here is called Countdown, there are also PAK'nSAVE and New World, aswell as a number of smaller chains.

      Try checking out something like this( for basic information too.

      Generally though, I find living here is much more comfortable than Aus, although the education system is garbage, so if you have little kids it is something to factor in.

  • thanks for the useful info Shaw. will go thru them. yes we do have a little one but not school age yet. when you mention education is garbage, how bad is that? compared to private or public? do they have private or public?

    • Well, maybe I was being a bit excessive with my description, but the NZ education system isn't the best. It is still first world, you wouldn't get a 'bad' education here, but compared to HSC, the NCEA system is not as solid. In saying that, it doesn't have the ridiculous requirements for certain courses, so there is more of a chance to get into university studying what you want to study, as opposed to what your result band determines. Pro's and Con's really.

      It is a mix of public, private/public, and private, depending on what you can afford/what is in your area.…

  • For once, something is cheaper in NZ!

    Snapfish Canvas prices NZD 16 and NZD 28( vs AUD 20 and AUD 30(

  • stuff is crazy expensive here.

    This is why we are here TA … To bring the cheap out of the expensive !!

  • So the aud and nzd on near parity.

    Petrol and milk still cost nearly double vs Aussie prices.

    • I can't see it ever changing though, it's largely economics, but still interesting to try and comprehend.

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