Looking to get a Seiko 5 SNK809 OR 807 OR 805
Around $USD 58 on Amazon but doesn't ship to NZ.
Or any great watches to recommend?
Any Great Deals on Automatic Watches? E.g. Seiko 5 / Watch recommendations?

LScampi on 12/12/2017 - 19:54
As Marlinz said use a freight forwarder, there is WatchStation (but will also need a forwarder) and NZwatchstore which are well priced for a nz retailer (they can be pretty slow too, Probably parallel importing after you order)
Bear in mind that watches that have a fabric strap absorb sweat and may need cleaning.
creation watches
seiya japan^ online shops, worth a look
use https://www.nzpost.co.nz/tools/youshop to ship it on to NZ