When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI (currently $70 USD) on Steam + 2 DLC packs (Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack + Vikings Scenario Pack).
Cheapest price ever according to isthereanydeal.com
More games to come and subscribe now to get 10% off Humble Store purchases. Remember this is a subcription so you'll continue to be charged $12/month until you cancel. However all games you get from the bundle are yours to keep forever. Just activate on Steam before cancelling.
You don't have to activate on Steam before cancelling. Any bundles which are yours are yours. This includes if you cancel before the rest of the months games are released but after you've paid.
(If you are paying month by month you can choose to pay early to get the early reveal games, if you are on a 3 month, 6 month or annual plan you can choose to access them and lock yourself in for the month. If you aren't locked in an are on such a plan, you can put yourself on hold before rest of the months games are released to skip a month.)