• out of stock

Xbox One Slim 500GB + 4 Games $286.33, Xbox One Slim 500GB + 2x Steep & The Crew $235.65 @ The Warehouse Delivered


Could be another system glitch

Promo should be:

Upon trying and combining all the games, the cart price goes down to $286.33
Additional 5% using Warehouse Money Visa (total goes down to $272.01)

Games link:
Steep and the Crew(thewarehouse.co.nz) 2 Games bundled in one

Another glitch:
Xbox One Slim 500GB + 2x Steep & The Crew $235.65($223.87 with Warehouse Money Visa)
Basically add Steep & The Crew game 2x and will bring down the price.

Any of the free shipping code still works: FDREF37426, FDREF12365

Related Stores

The Warehouse
The Warehouse

closed Comments

  • any PS4 glitch?

    • I'm trying to do their deal but can't find the Uncharted 4 to make it $535 for Slimline 1Tb + 3 Games

      • You can add 2 copies of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy(thewarehouse.co.nz) to get the $535 price.
        whoops wrong offer
        2 copies of GT Sport(thewarehouse.co.nz)

        • I tried Uncharted: The Lost Legacy(thewarehouse.co.nz) 2x and it brings down the price to $535. You are correct. Plus you can add Wipeout(thewarehouse.co.nz) for FREE as well. But no system glitch like what happened last December

        • You can add 2x PS4 Uncharted: The Lost Legacy AND 2x PS4 Wipeout Omega Collection and still get the $535.00 price.

        • @theotherneil: Wipeout has only one stock left. Tried adding 2x but says no more

  • Best deal I can get for a PS4 is $535 for the console plus 7 games.

    Just look at each of the deals, and make sure you have the right number of the included free games, remember you can have multiples of the same title especially since some of the titles are unavailable or sold out like uncharted 4(but lost legacy is available) and Knack 2

  • +1

    Isn't it 4 free games because Steep & The Crew are technically 2 games, just sold as one product.

    • No, as its one of those price glitches so if u add the 2nd steep game, overall price increases.

      • +1

        But if you look at the link to the product Steep & The Crew…it is one product combined, so you don't need to add a second steep game as the link includes two games anyway.

      • I think what @Hamster is saying, Steep is technically 1 game and The Crew is another game but these two are bundled together which makes the total number of games to 4.

        • oh yea. Its 2 games bundled as 1 but the warehouse lists the bundle as 1 game. Thought you mean adding STEEP & CREW TOKEN 2 times as you can do that on the ps4 deals. =)

        • oh true. I will update it. Thanks :)

  • Has anyone placed their order yet? I’m concerned they will fix the error at a later date and re charge the credit card the glitched amount is all :/

    • +1

      They could fix the error later on down the track, but they will not bill you extra and they will sent you your xbox at the error price. They will instantly bill you the $286 Now.

    • +1

      I believe they will honour the price. It's the same thing happened on the PS4 and a lot from here received without getting re-charge on their credit card.

      • Awesome! Thanks guys :)

  • Grabbed two copies of Steep and the Crew for a few dollars more…Thinking about reselling the games so maybe that's better value than Battlegrounds…

    Also the free shipping codes can only be used once for every account? Chose the pick up option.

    • You can check out as a guest (using a different email?) and still can use the code. Pick up is still ok as it is free.

  • +3

    Another combo

    Xbox 500GB
    XboxOne LTFG Steep and The Crew x2


  • +6

    Managed to get Xbox 500GB + Steep and The Crew x 2 for $223.87 checked out (with Warehouse Visa). Insane! Thanks OP!

    • +1

      Oh me too! Thanks people.

  • +1

    Grabbed the $235.65 deal. Thanks to O.P and updaters.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. There are also the $7 games on Noel Leeming's website to order

  • +1

    Thanks op and people from the community!

  • +3

    It's taking a lot of self control to not buy this

  • What’s everyone’s plan for the second Steep & The Crew copy? Will the warehouse except an exchange or are we all going to trade me next week??

    • +1

      Just play Steep on one, and The Crew on the other.

    • I think game disks are 1 of the few items you can't return. Sister has tried it before, sealed and they said no.

      • Yea, its stated in their policy that softwares/game console softwares are not refundable/returnable unless it is defective.

  • Looks to be dead now

    • Console + 2x Steep…deal still works for me.

    • Yes, my bad, it wasn't working but did a start fresh and it's fine…ignore me.

  • Bought two of the $224 combos with Warehouse Money card. This is a great find! Thanks OP :)

  • out of stock for console

  • Love these bundle deals. Thanks OP, and everyone else who experimented with the combos.

  • Has anyone's been shipped yet? Still waiting for mine.

    • No movement on mine yet.

    • With my previous Red Alert Deal purchases there was sometimes an extra 2-3 day delay before processing changed to shipping.

    • Mine shipped today.

    • Mine arrived this morning minus PUBG. Forza comes with a PC code as well as XBOX which was a nice surprise.
      Just got shipment notification for PUBG.

    • still waiting also for confirmation email/shipping.
      i wonder if the first few got through and they realised the mistake?

  • so cool. anyone wants to spare one:) can pick up in auckland

  • Doesnt look good.. had never waited this long for items to ship from warehouse. Possible they spotted the mistake and now deciding what to do with the orders!

  • Mine changed to Shipped mid-morning.

  • Have you received any tracking details in your email?

  • I opted for Click and collect, but it still says processing. I've waited longer than this for other things though.

  • No email from them. I have an account and the W.H app shows a tracking number.

  • Sadly i checked out as guest so no way to check the status!

    Edit:- just received confirmation my order has been shipped. Label created at 10am. Expecting them to process most orders today. That's great!

  • Mine arrived this morning (Gisborne). No game disks but Game Cards with Keys.

  • Mine is ready for store pickup now.

  • Quite a few of these bundles up for sale on trade me already 🤣

  • Listed mine last night, $300 + p&p :)

    • +1

      And sold. $300 + $20 Postage. I wanted to list it for more but with a number of new Xbox One S listed I opted for a quick profit.

  • +1

    Sold my 2 X Steep and The Crew codes for $20 each, brings my total cost down to about $190 for the Xbox one s. Pretty happy with that.

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