Good evening. I need an iphone cable since my original one has broken. Any recommendations?
Cheap iPhone Cables

Aliexpress if you don't mind waiting, otherwise buy a cheap micro sd to lightning adapter from trademe for like $3 shipped in the interim of a cheap cable/charger.
Don't skimp on aliexpress either, go for a good brand like ugreen or tronsmart where you'll actually get a decent cable that is rated for 2+amps
I have been using Orico lighting cables as they click in, unlike some other brands.
Dollar stores if you don't need the USB block that goes in the wall, normally a couple dollars. Failing that, I found some generic brand ones at Mitre10, cotton on had some, and a lot of random stores. They're everywhere!
Go for MFI, as non-MFI ones will be stop working eventually, as they're not signed with a valid approved certificate. I've been through years of buying cheap lightning cables, and with all the money I've spent on them, I would've been better off just buying a MFI certified one. I currently use the PQI ones which you can buy from PB Tech for $9 on special at times.
Yeah you can get them from Aliexpress but they don't last, I tried several, some started off well but eventually they charge super slow to the point where battery dies faster than the charge so waste of time. Buying on special from a reputable store like PB or Noel on special is what I did. toddy47 was right tho, if you buy aliexpress don't buy the cheapest ones. Good luck but again I recommend buying half decent brand from NZ store that's reputable and on prices via pricespy may be a good idea too.