good price for these.
have to use Warehouse App as website doesnt allow delivery for this item.
Bunch of other star wars deals on today.
Use free shipping code FDREF11351 or FDREF80805
Comes to 95c Delivered with Warehouse Money card.
Star Wars Episode 7 Extendable Lightsabers Assorted $1 Delivered Via App @ The Warehouse

nevergofullretail on 04/05/2018 - 12:33 (1171 clicks)
Last edited 04/05/2018 - 13:20 by 1 other user
Last edited 04/05/2018 - 13:20 by 1 other user
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Call customer support, they should refund you the difference since it's within 7 days.
actually i just checked, the $7 one was an episode 8, these are episode 7.
Not in stock
Back in stock, got some. Thanks OP.Yay I got 5 for $5 so all up I got 6 for $12, nephew's bday sorted
Just managed to get one via the app, got one for my lil bro, thanks OP!
Awesome. Got 3
Finished. Good deal.
I managed to convince a store to honor this price as it doesnt state anywhere online only.
deal expired now? Site and app both show $9.97
I got one at like 11am for $7, now they only $1?