This was posted 6 years 8 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

11.5 Cents/Litre off EVERY Petrol Station in Auckland


The Auckland-wide regional fuel tax is coming in on 1st July 2018.

Enjoy 10 cents / Litre + GST discount while you can!!!

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closed Comments

  • I'm confused. Where's the deal?

    • LOL…just fill up before 1st July and you'll enjoy that "discount"

  • Funniest deal ever. Voted +1

  • Vote +1

  • best deal!

  • If you're in Auckland, It looks like unless you use your Gull vouchers tomorrow(I think they can be used tomorrow, I don't have it with me right now), BP Birkenhead will be the cheapest at $1.91 a litre, after the discount. Right now Gaspy is reporting $2.027 without discount.


      After reading the above article, I get the impression that Gull will not immediately hike their prices on the 1st of July and will hold out for as long as they possible can. I still +1 this post tho haha…

    • Yes the vouchers started at 12 am on the 30th so you should be able to use them now. The two Gulls in Rosebank seem to be the cheapest sites you can use the discount vouchers with, at 209.7 according to Gaspy. Should end up being 188.73 with a discount voucher assuming you only fill to the discount voucher amount ($50 or $30). Gull Titirangi, Birkenhead, Albany and Forest Hill are cheaper but unmanned/pay at the pump sites so you can't use the Gull discount vouchers.

      I ended up filling up at Titirangi during the discount day. From prices at the time, was thinking it would about the same as using the discount vouchers given prices at the time and seems I was right. (Well it's 1 more but OTOH I did get to fill.)

  • why does this only apply to auckland? If more money from car owners is required, why not just tax the who country like 5c?

    though I'm not complaining living out of auckland.

    • It's taxing Aucklanders to fund Auckland roads.

      • Do Auckland roads cost more in proportion to the amount on fuel purchasers then the rest of the countries?

        • You are right. They are using traffic jams and congestion as an excuse to tax, tax and tax.

    • there is a nationwide tax coming as well, but lucky aucklanders have an additional regional tax on top of that to pay for auckland infrastructure.

  • There's no guarantee that the petrol companies will hike prices up in Auckland next month. While they have to pay the Auckland tax they may choose to redistribute the tax across the whole country instead e.g. hike petrol prices across the country by say 3c

    • Unless Gull spoils the party, prices will rise as usual - or even further. The only way is up.

      Oil prices have been on a major rally, and despite OPEC promises most people don't think the Saudis have enough spare capacity to offset production losses from Venezuela and Iran.

    • oh dear, you mean Mainlanders will pay for Auckland's fuel taxes? Well that will make them hate us even more haha

    • yea but do you really think the petrol companies will not use this an an excuse to NOT raise prices?

      I can't imagine them wanting to pay the tax from their profits margins- and GST is on top of that!

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