For 24 hours, we are offering in-app upgrades from the FREE version to the PRO version of our app, worth $10.99.
SteeringUp is a mobile app for Android that logs your trips, scores your trips, can help detect over-speeding and improve your driving behavior.
★★★★★ 4.7 Stars and plenty of positive reviews on the Google Play Store( FEATURES:
- Detect over-speeding.
- Trip log: stores a detailed historical log of your trips, including map and detailed summary information.
- Improve your driving: we score your trip against over-speeding, braking, turning maneuver, acceleration and deceleration categories, and give detailed drill down information to help you drive better.
- Identify inefficiencies: we identify time based inefficiencies by breaking your trip into segments and scoring them on the actual time vs the estimated time.
- Automatic trip recording (disabled by default - enable it via settings).
We want to help you improve your driving observation skills and change your driving habits via evidence-based post-drive analysis and reporting.
To redeem: (screenshots here(
- Install( the app.
- In the app menu, tap on "Purchase"
- Tap on the options menu in the toolbar (3 dots)
- Tap on "Redeem promo code"
- Then, enter the code:
More info including the differences between the free and pro versions can be found on the Google Play Store( or on the website(
This promotion expires on 26 July 2018, 11:45am.
That redeem button under the burger menu isn't there. Fake news.