Endnote is offering their iOS app for free until July 1. This tool is great for students. eg University, Research etc for citing references.
Note that it needs a free Endnote account to browse literature.
Hasn't been free for >2 years
App Shopper History(appshopper.com)
UK Version(itunes.apple.com)
US Version(itunes.apple.com)
AUS Version(itunes.apple.com)
Collect, collaborate, create from anywhere with Thomson Reuters EndNote TM - the world's most popular research management tool. With flexible tools for searching, organizing, sharing research, and creating bibliographies, the EndNote for iPad app extends your ability to stay on top of cutting edge research and connect with your EndNote library on the go.
EndNote enables you to easily view, edit, organize, and share research material on the iPad. By syncing your research library across iPad, online, and desktop, you increase the power of EndNote by gaining seamless access to your reference library from multiple devices and platforms.
EndNote for iPad includes:
Sign up for a free, EndNote online account or sign in to an existing account
Synchronize your library references, attachments, and PDF annotations to your online account and X7 desktop
Built in web browser to search Thomson Reuters Web of Science TM, PubMed, Google Scholar, your library catalog, or any other database you choose
Built in PDF viewer with wide range of annotation features. Annotations made can be synced and edited online and on the X7 desktop
- Importing capabilities for .ris, .nbib, and other popular reference file formats
- Email and copy options for sharing references and file attachments with collaborators
- EndNote “temporary citation” format support
- Attach files from Dropbox to your references (Dropbox account available separately)
- Viewing and editing options for references and file attachments
- Sorting, searching, and grouping options for references and file attachments
- Getting Started Guide documentation
Description sourced from Wiggam on OzBargain(ozbargain.com.au)