Hi All,
Someone hit my wing mirror overnight and didn't stop or leave a note.
From what I can tell, it is only the mirror itself that is broken - the 'assembly' into which the mirror is mounted looks fine.
Therefore, I need to find somewhere to get a replacement mirror.
The cheapest I have found so far is 'Accurate Glass' (http://www.accurateglass.co.nz/) who have quoted me $50.
This seems a lot for a mirror, not that I am any kind of expert!
I am happy to fit it myself, so location does not matter as long as they are willing to send the part to me.
Does anyone have any suggestions that might be more of a bargain?
If it was me, I will find out the model number of the replacement mirror (if possible) or the make/model/year of your vehicle, then Google or trademe for a new or used unit.