****If you are with spark and want 3gb of data text 'ADD BONUS3G90' to 258****
Found this on a facebook page. 6 people responded 4 said it worked, 2 said it didn't. I am not with Spark so can't try myself.
Worth a try I guess!?
****If you are with spark and want 3gb of data text 'ADD BONUS3G90' to 258****
Found this on a facebook page. 6 people responded 4 said it worked, 2 said it didn't. I am not with Spark so can't try myself.
Worth a try I guess!?
Thanks for this. It worked perfectly. If it's not working make sure to enter as "ADD BONUS3G90" (with a space).
Eventually worked for me for a Sim I haven't used for couple of months. took about 20mins for text back.
"ADD BONUS3G90" worked instantly. Thanks!
Nice! Worked for me, but not for my mate, so doesn't apply to everyone.
Orsum working here, the gigabytes will help with my GOT binges. Hmm maybe this Spark offer is just 'gathering data' lol
Worked, cheers!
Worked on an old legacy $19 plan!
I got this message from spark after trying this code.Didnt work for me. Good luck and congratulations if it worked 4 u.
FROM SPARK: Sorry, the BONUS3G90 can't be added, as it's incompatible with your other products. To add extras, go to MySpark spark.co.nz/dl/buyextra
I think it only works if you're on a prepaid plan.
Yea prepay always gets the good stuff
Thanks very much for that kiwical, got my old prepaid Sims out of the drawer And they all worked !
thanks sir!
Thanks for that.
Thank you very much. It worked on all my prepaid sims.
How many you have? :O
I lost one, so 117
300gb expiring in 3 months wow lol
How did you get that many? 😅
@Wolfy: sometimes they get discounted to a few cents each to clear old stock when they should be $1-5
@Dunno: Or when you buy a new phone they come with a free sim pack that gets chucked away into a drawer somewhere
@Wolfy: Noel Leeming did last year, iirc it's happened a few times
or deals where more expensive sims are cheap
Common to see the spark/voda $5 SIM's for $1
This is for prepay only :)
It worked for me just now, i got a txt back saying "FROM SPARK: Great news - a one off 3gb Bonus Data - 90 Days has been added to your plan. To manage your plan and renewal settings, head to spark mobile app.