The offer will commence at 12:00am on 01 June 2019 and end at 11:59pm on 30 June 2019.
The Promoter, SportNZ Ltd T/A Champions of the World, Unit 10/1 Stark Drive, Wigram Business Park, Christchurch reserves the right to withdraw, amend or terminate this offer at any time without prior notice.
Champions of the World advertising offers, partner incentives, or promotional discounts are not to be used in conjunction with this promotion.
Where a discount code is applied (such as TEAMCHAMPIONS) then the offer will not be available
Participants must put the t shirt into their cart manually to receive the discount
Participants must use code “ABTEE50” to receive the discounted price on their T shirt
Must have $100+ value in cart (excluding shipping) to add the T shirt
All Blacks Home T-Shirt $30 When Spending over $100 @ Champions of The World

It's too late - smallest size is XL.