Hi guys I'm looking for a mountain bike <$500. Any suggestions much appreciated
Mountain Bike

tako47 on 18/06/2019 - 19:59
Depends on how serious and what sort of riding you will be doing. Most experienced and in the know riders won't recommend bikes under about $1,000 (new) and would point you in the direction of a 2nd hand bike around the $500 mark.
There's few specials in Torpedo 7 right now, any suggestions?
Giant 2019 Talon 3 29er MTB $499.99:
https://www.torpedo7.co.nz/products/APBM9N9AE/title/2019-tal…Trek 2019 Marlin 4 MTB $329.99:
https://www.torpedo7.co.nz/products/3YBM9N8PA/title/2019-mar…GT 2019 Avalanche Sport 29 MTB $499.99:
what sort of riding will you be doing? personally I wouldn't bother with v-brakes anymore, disc are way better but cost more.
Best I can find after a quick search (or just bike barn and evo cycles) are these
POLYGON PREMIER 4 BLK/BLU $470, the components and front fork are a step up from the cheapest and it has hydraulic disc brakes
2019 TREK MARLIN 4 SILVER $393, only in Large though, it has the cheapest components and fork, but would be fine or basic off road riding.