• expired

Free $4.90 Credit on Signup, Free Burger (up to $15) on Birthday @ Burger Wisconsin


If you download the Burger Wisconsin app and signup to their loyalty club, you'll get $4.90 credit in your account. This will get you a free drink, fries for $.50, instead of $5.40 according to their menu(burgerwisconsin.co.nz), or just get $4.90 off whatever you are ordering.

On your birthday, you get a free burger (up to $15 value). T&Cs(burger-wisconsin.appropo.io). Will await emails and update.

Our Loyalty Club is not available at our stores in Pukekohe and Lincoln Road, Henderson in Auckland.

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Burger Wisconsin
Burger Wisconsin

closed Comments

  • +3

    It's a free burger up to the value of $15 anytime during your birthday month. No other purchase required.

    • Cheers, thanks for clarifying.

  • +1

    When it is your birthday will they send you an email to say you can come in and get your free birthday meal or do you just have to go in and ask for it i.e. it will show up on your account on their screen/cash register?

    • Hi,I received an email :)

      • Thanks for letting me know.

  • New terms and conditions, you must have made a purchase in the last 6 months!

    Free Birthday Meal The Birthday meal are awarded to BW Loyalty program members at the beginning of the birthday month. You must be a registered BW Loyalty program member prior to your birthday month in order to qualify and have made a purchase from Burger Wisconsin in the 6 months prior to your birthday month. You will receive one free birthday meal up to the value of $15.00. If you meet all of these conditions then a birthday reward email will be sent to your email account on the first day of the month. To redeem your free birthday meal simply Visit in store (birthday meals cannot be used online) Scan your BW Loyalty program barcode located in the app. Show cashier your birthday reward email that was delivered to your inbox (either printed or on your phone). Provide photo identification (we gotta make sure it’s you). The birthday reward is only valid during your birthday month so use them or lose them. Full details of our Terms and Conditions are provided in our birthday email, make sure you have subscribed to receive our mailers.

  • I don't think free birthday burger is available anymore. See below:

    What is a BIRTHDAY REWARD?
    Our birthday reward is FREE Fries with a spend of $10, gifted to our most loyal customers at the beginning of their birthday month and valid for redemption via the App or with an online purchase. Birthday rewards can only be redeemed via the Loyalty App and Online within the birthday month and offers expire thereafter. Birthday rewards can no longer be redeemed instore. To qualify for a birthday reward a customer must:
    (a) Be registered as a BW Loyalty member before the birthday month.
    (b) Make a minimum of 2 orders in the last 12 months.
    (c) Spend a minimum of $10 to redeem the free fries
    (d) The customer birth date must be entered into their BW Loyalty account before their birth month.
    (e) Must be registered for push notifications and the mailing list to be notified and communicated to.

    Customers can check they are registered for this offer, by logging into an account through the App > select Account > select Communications.
    Full details of the birthday reward terms and conditions will be provided in the Birthday email. New birthday rewards will commence from the 1st August 2023 for August birthdays and we will back-issue a reward to the July birthday customers who meet the new criteria. The current birthday reward will be turned off from 1st July 2023 and no birthday rewards are redeemable in July.

    • Wow, so many hoops to jump. Oh well. Marked expired. Looks like the $4.90 credit on signup is also gone.

      Marked expired and updated wiki.

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