Protex Soap Bar Ultra, Fresh or Cream 90g $.78 Each @The Warehouse
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Protex Soap Bar Ultra, Fresh or Cream 90g $.78 Each @The Warehouse
Free shipping code works,but you must have one item that's costs at least $1 to activate it:
Thanks for letting me know man, i had no idea!
Pretty shameful the Warehouse is pawning off this crap on the public, a lot of people looking for a saving might think it's a great deal and be harming themselves without realising.
I can see my previous posts voted down.
Go ahead vote it down, use the antibacterial agents, grow moobs and have reduced sperm quality :)
Or have early menopause if you're female…
Here is World Health Organisation report for those who think this is some kind of joke…
But go ahead, don't listen to sound advice. Some natural selection is in order! :D
You're not wrong. Protex soap has been banned in the USA since 2016, for good reason.
Colgate-Palmolive make Protex, the fact they haven't discontinued it altogether says a lot about them. Big corps huh….
Dont forget its in some toothpaste too, pak n save has it 6 for $5 this week, i got some then when i got home i realised why i stoped using this product.
They give my kids Colgate total when they get there free dental check up. They say kids can use adult toothpaste if there is no fluoride in drinking water
Before you use antibacterial soaps, check our what triclocarban does to you. Its brother Triclosan is banned in many countries.…