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Vegetarian Plant-Based Beef Loaded Burger Pizza $5.90ea (Pick up) @ Domino's


New Vegetarian Plant-Based Range Pizzas. The Beef Loaded Burger variety is $3 off the usual $8.90 price, no coupon required.

Plant-based ground beef, diced tomato, red onion on a cheese sauce base topped with special burger sauce & spring onion.

If you want it vegan (vegan cheese) it's $2.99 extra, choose the applicable option in the Vegan Range section.

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  • -3

    cows grow on trees now?

    • -3

      I'm struggling to figure this out as well.

      • +1

        Am I missing something? What's difficult to understand? It's plant-based meat, instead of normal meat, on a burger-flavoured pizza

        • Plant based meat isn't a thing. It's not meat. Meat is meat.

          Why not give these things new names?

          It's like when naming cheese they just decided, "Cheese is rich in protein, like meat. So we'll call it yellow meat." Then they put it in the meat section.

          And those little crappy beef balls they use on their pizzas look a bit like red bean, but they don't call them "Beef-based red beans" because it's just unnecessarily confusing and silly.

          Vegetarians would have a riot if they found, "Pig-fat based tofu" in the tofu section next to the regular tofu and aside from the subtitle under the brand name they didn't really mention the fact that the tofu is made of pig fat.

          Why? Because it's not tofu and it's not clear it's not tofu.

          Same goes for nut milks, and dairy-free cheese.

          Be original, you've got a wholly new product, give it a cool, memorable, distinct name.

          If the people naming products now had existed two thousand years ago, all food would just be called food. But then that would create the dilemma now of it being food-based (plant-based) food (beef) foods (pizzas). Food-based food foods.

          • -3

            @danvelopment: Exactly they need to make new names as beef is from a cow, just like how vegetarian meatballs, should be vegetarian balls.
            you see plant beef next to real beef in stores and you wonder why surround it with real meat, it must get non-meat eaters mad as they should have their own space.
            Its soo strange that you want to imitate meat but how can you compete with the real thing?, Instead make your own market.
            But anyway i will try this pizza and see if i get any bits of gristle

          • +3

            @danvelopment: They are trying to mimic the properties and test of real meat. That is why it is called plant based meat lmao. Imagine being this annoyed at a product name. xD

          • +3

            @danvelopment: found the paranoid farmer scared their unsustainable business is losing to plants!!

          • +2

            @danvelopment: I find it pretty laughable that you're this outraged over the use of a word.

            The irony in your overlong and pointless argument is that the word 'meat' actually originally comes from a word that simply means 'food' or 'article of food'.

            But please, continue shouting into the void of the internet about plant based meat not being 'a thing'. I'm sure everyone is super interested to hear your opinion.

          • +5

            @danvelopment: The truth is the English language, as with most languages, has always evolved and changed over time based on a whole variety of things. The important thing IMO is that people understand each other and aren't confused about what's being referred to. Personally even though historically it was not incorrect, I don't think it's useful to refer whales or dolphins or other mammals as fish because it can cause confusion about what they actually are. No matter that fish are a paraphyletic grouping and so taxonimically questionable anyway. The key question to me with calling stuff meat or beef or whatever is therefore "does it risk causing genuine confusion"?

            You mention nut based milks but there's an interesting point here. The stuff you get in cans or packets or traditionally in some countries from a road side vendor who grates a mature coconut and you use for cooking curries or desserts or whatever is called coconut milk or coconut cream or similar in English depending on composition. But it isn't generally used like milk. I don't think when people named it they were thinking of trying to confuse people or that it should be used like milk. It just sort of looked like milk and so that's what it was called. In other languages where coconut milk has been used for longer, the words are not normally related. Again putting aside the stuff sold as milk substitutes, I don't think there is any great confusion over coconut milk. In fact if anything as the wikipedia article attests coconut milk sold as a milk substitute does seem to cause confusion not so much over milk but over coconut milk because it's different from actual coconut milk.

            Meanwhile Tegel has been selling chicken bacon in NZ for many years now. I'm sure some people still gripe, most people just don't care. AFAIK turkey bacon has existed in the US and probably elsewhere for even longer, again most people have gotten over it. Most people have some understanding what this is, and provided people always specify the chicken or turkey or whatever part, when referring to those products it doesn't seem likely to cause confusion.

            And plant based imitation/mock meat aren't exactly a new thing despite the recent significant interest. For many years, you've been able to get stuff like vegetarian char siu, mock duck, and a whole host of other stuff in certain Chinese restaurants in some places, including in NZ in more recent times, and likewise checking out many Asian shops will find frozen or canned stuff like that. Often these are from wheat gluten/seitan or bean curd sheet/tau foo skin/whatever you want to call it or both depending on the desired product. (BTW, tau foo skin is not the skin of tau foo.) AFAIK, Buddhist cuisine has been one big source of this which is not to say most Buddhist cuisine involved imitation meats instead simply that it's one area they've developed. (While vegetarianism is a big thing in South Asia especially India they seem to have been less active in the mock meat category until fairly recently.) Again when these products are sold, they always seem to be clearly sold as "mock" or "imitation" or "vegetarian" and I don't think there's much risk of genuine confusion about what they are. (I agree that Hell selling imitation beef simply as beef was something which clearly did cause confusion but Hell is the same company which provided condoms which didn't meet NZ's standards so I don't think any of us should be surprised.)

            Since we're on meat, the interesting thing is AFAIK it's generally accepted that the entomology of meat shows it actually derives from a word that did largely means food. See e.g. and And as that second article attests, if we put aside debates of vegetarian meats even now, I'm sure you can easily get into vigorous debates over whether fish or snake flesh is meat see also… . Yet again getting back to the earlier article, many people familiar with coconuts and English will know what you mean when you refer to coconut "meat" or for that matter "flesh". Yet while coconut meat is something many people enjoy, it's not something generally used as a meat substitute. And here's the interesting thing, that sentence is something I think most people will be able to parse despite the two differing uses of "meat" in it.

            Personally probably in part from growing up in Malaysia, I don't like to refer to chili peppers or similar. I prefer to simply refer to chilies. There is no significant relationship between chilies and black pepper other than that trades noticed some minor similarities in effects. Still, I don't how much confusion chili peppers causes about the relationship. And sichuan pepper is the common term used (rarely prickly ash) including by me even though it too has relationship to either.

            The chili point raises another interesting thing. In English we still don't have a good clear word for "hot" from chilies like some other languages do e.g. pedas in Malay. While often the meaning can be interpreted from context, in can definitely cause confusion. Takeaway shops and similar often use the word "spicy" when they ask if you want it mild, medium or hot, but we still generally have hot here and spicy can mean other things.

            This also leads on to another interesting food language related point. Some people seem to feel that umami isn't an English word. It's true that it's a loan word from Japanese and it's recent. But of course so did a bunch of other words and varying times. And English has borrowed heavily from many languages. I've never seen any reason to be opposed to it. And words like savoury don't necessarily always mean the same thing. (The are of course plenty of words which do mean the same thing. E.g. brinjal, egg plant, aubergine. Again growing up in Malaysia I knew the first two. I didn't know what the third one was until I came to NZ. Again, none of these are wrong, the fact that I'm sure plenty of Kiwis won't know what I mean when I talk about a brinjal not withstanding. I ate star fruit long before I heard of the term carambola. Actually I'm not sure if I've even eaten one since I heard the term. I can't recall when I first learnt of okra, but I do know I don't like ladies' fingers.)

            BTW, this whole debate reminds me of a story I read once, I think in a Malaysian paper. It was some writer complaining about stuff being called bacon when it wasn't from pork/pigs. The writer stated that they had warned some Malaysian Muslim student (I think) in some Western country, possibly the US that they were eating pork because they were eating something probably a burger with bacon. The student asked the waiter if bacon was pork and the waiter said no. I have no idea if this story is genuine or accurately convey, and can't be sure how accurate my recollection is either. But if it is, while it's possible that the waiter was either wanting to avoid problems or just being an idiot and so correctly understood the question but lied anyway, it's also possible the waiter genuinely didn't think of bacon as pork simply because when people say 'pork' they don't generally mean bacon or other cured meats (except in the context of sausages and similar). There's also a chance the waiter genuinely didn't know bacon comes from pigs,.

        • -1

          plants arent meat

  • ^ This right here ^ Plant-based meat sounds like something flat-earthers would come up with

  • +6

    This is a website for sharing deals. Can we cut the shitty judgemental comments, please?

    • I wasnt judging I was just asking for clarification

  • -1

    I just thought of a new product, animal-based iceberg lettuce.

    Nutrient content is the same, it tastes the same, the texture was achieved via a mix of gelatine in varying densities. The fibre has been replaced with long-haired cat fur for just the right texture.

    It can be found fruit and vegetable section next to the rest of the lettuce.

    You'll find it hard to believe it's 100% derived from animals.

    Also, sheep-heart-based tomatoes (that's in the bin in front of the regular tomatoes). And lamb-heart based cherry tomatoes. They're rendered in a way that softens the flesh then filled with water and sealed.

    Don't they just sound desirable, to show you how you can use them to replace your regular vegetable consumption we've got sampler BLT sandwiches. The contents are 100% animal derived!

    See how stupid that is. Even carob has its place, because the manufacturers never called the product "legume-based chocolate".

    • +2

      For someone who appears to think they're incredibly witty and clever you seem to have missed an important fact that dismantles your entire argument: the word 'meat' comes from a German word which simply means 'food' or 'article of food'. Oh but you're the authority on what is and isn't 'meat', right? LOL

      • Your point is bad. A derived term says, 'it is related to that thing'. Using the same word is saying the new thing is the old thing and if it's different you're changing the definition.

        There's nothing wrong with a derived term. It's differentation. 'it is like' rather than it is.

        Meato, the imitation meat product.
        Flauna the synthetic meat replacement.

        Both of those would be fine. Same reason why Sizzlers can't be called sausages.

        • Actually Sizzlers is a good example. If meat is so easily redefined, they can just redefine their ingredients to be meat and now Sizzlers are at least 50% meat and can be called sausages.

    • +1

      Ahahaha, jesus their marketing is absolutely lost. Pretty sure plant-based pizzas have been sold before.

      With a straight face, the first paragraph (ignoring the terrible headline) is this:
      "Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Limited (“Dominos”) has today announced it will be the first pizza chain in Australia to launch plant-based pizza, which means now everyone can share in the joy of pizza."

      They're literally saying that vegetarians have never tasted pizzas because they were all meat based until this moment.

  • Yo how do you even get this deal. VEGETARIAN PLANT-BASED BEEF LOADED BURGER is $8.90. Unless u meant VEGETARIAN PLANT-BASED BEEF & ONION which is $5.90

    • +1

      Looks like the price is back to $8.90, deal expired sorry.

      Maybe it was an error.

      • oh rip me

  • Did anyone try this? Keen to hear how it tastes.
    Weirdly the allergen sheet says it's both suitable for vegans and also not (the 'meat')

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