This was posted 5 years 4 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

25% off All Shared Web Hosting Deals @ Wanna Host


Wanna Host is proud to announce their 25% off discount for the week beginning on the 11th of November, and ending on the 18th of November, when you use code "11-11".

This deal applies to ALL shared web hosting packages available on

For more information regarding our services, please open a support ticket at anytime. We are a small independent Australian web host, providing top of the line servers at an affordable rate.

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We only accept Credit/Debit cards.

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closed Comments

  • Your website isn't working. 8 seconds of blank page, then it redirected me to which returns "Critical Error
    Could not connect to the database."

    Doesn't really inspire confidence. Nor the ToS in the form of a text file.

    Update: Now hitting Cloudflare 522:
    Error 522 Ray ID: 5344a769caa0a91c • 2019-11-12 01:15:17 UTC
    Connection timed out

    • +1

      and .tk is a free domain.
      Don't even bother with them :|

      • Cool! I didn't know there was such a thing. This has been a worthwhile post. I could totally rock a few free domains for development placeholders and email addresses.

        Site is now loading and my god it's slow. It's actually the slowest website I've seen in at least a month, and there's next to no content.

        • Plenty of options available here
          My go-to placeholder for testing

        • Dan,
          I believe the "slow loading" and "522" errors may be an issue on your side.

          As already stated, the website has been in use by 6 of our support personnel today, as well as serving over 450 customer interactions.


          • @Wanna Host -Anthony: Hah, no. CloudFlare reported you're down. I think I'll trust CloudFlare before I trust you. Especially if you have the information you need to verify it but instead opt to cast the blame before checking it.

            • @danvelopment: @danvelopment

              Other than the fact we have 9 people in the room currently, every single one of us has using the website since 9am this morning and not a single one of us has had an issue, than I, like the 2 other support officers sitting right next to me, would say that the issue you have encountered would have been on your end.

              It isn't physically possible for the error to have happened on our end because during the time 11:30AM-1PM AEST (time you reported the site was down), we had 98 logins and 279 website sessions. Not even for a period of 5 minutes did we not have an active session or user on the site.

              Seeming you're calling a 522 error, this could mean that there was an issue with your DNS provider - this has been an occurrence with only one of our clients in the past, and the fix was to simple change their DNS settings to Google DNS.

              Otherwise, this was a weird CloudFlare issue that has only managed to occur for you.


              Edit -
              We also ran a check from Sydney to our Adelaide server, and back over the past 5 minutes. Our MAX ping was 124ms. Our lowest ping was 24ms.

              • @Wanna Host -Anthony: CloudFlare is your provider, so chuck that Ray ID in and it will give you all of the information you need.

                Here's the CloudFlare support page on a 522, which is a CloudFlare specific error which reports that they could not talk to your (the origin) server. It's nothing to do with the client side.

                Here's the Wiki page on HTTP errors:

                Also if they're all in the room I'm guessing they're on the LAN, so they're not going through YOUR CDN, CloudFlare, who couldn't talk to YOUR server.

                If you don't like the CloudFlare service, or you can't configure it correctly, I wouldn't recommend you use it.

                • @danvelopment: And I probably wouldn't recommend a web host who doesn't understand their own environment.

                  • @danvelopment: @danvelopment,
                    Our host company has been in the web hosting business for over 6 years, and has used CloudFlare as a provider for DNS for 4 years of this time.

                    We understand that CloudFlare isn't perfect, and in an instance like this, the client has had an issue connecting the server, where other clients haven't.

                    Our servers are actually located in Sydney, however, we are located in Adelaide. All of our traffic passes through exactly the same steps that our clients do.

                    Our technical team run a Virtual Private Network on our servers in order to bypass the CDN, however, this isn't practice for Support Staff using the site to provide support services to our clients.

                    In this instance, we aren't trying to argue with you as we have nothing to argue about. We are sorry you had issues connecting to our website, and we'd be happy to help you further through our Support email.


      • Hi aerir,
        We tried to minimise the costs we incur in order to provide a lower cost however superior solution to our customers.

        If you are worried about something as petty as the domain name we use, you could also try our sister companies (listed on the site) which may met the domain requirements you need.


    • Hi danvelopment.
      Could you tell me if the website is still showing this error?

      We haven't had this issue reported with any of our clients, and have had support staff on the site all day today without a hiccup.


      • Seems to be fine now. It's not fast but it's not godawfully slow either like it was before.

        Go have a look at CloudFlare, their monitoring tools will give you your outage window and you have a Ray ID up there and timestamp if you want to check that event specifically.

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