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Free Coffee with BYO Reusable Cup @ Night 'n Day


We TOLD you something BIG is coming… so here it is: Free. Coffee. February.

BYO reusable cup, and it's free. That's it. All February.

Waaaay too many single use coffee cups end up in landfill and at 'recycling' centres each year. So let's get together, you and us, to see if we can do something about it, shall we?

You bring the cup, we'll bring the coffee. Deal? Deal.

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Night 'n Day
Night 'n Day

closed Comments

  • only in Dunedin, right?

    • Sounds like it is all their stores. Their head office is in Dunedin.

    • Should be all stores. However, in the terms it says "participating outlets only" but I can't find any list anywhere so safe to assume all stores at this stage I suppose?

    • +6

      "that's head office, so that's the only place it won't be, in actual fact!

      it's all stores, the reason for 'participating stores' is that we never know what might happen to equipment, staffing, supply, or any other variable that goes into this. for now, safe to say it's all stores!


      Was the response I got from them

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