has anyone been trying to change internet provider recently ? who offers the best value for money, I have contacted Spark, and been advised they no longer offer free credit like $300 they used to offer….
Broadband Price with Landline
budget on 01/02/2020 - 17:34
Bigpipe is free for 3 months followed by $79 a month so averaged out to just under $60 a month for 12, Voda is $92 a month and 2 degrees is $79, they both need a mobile number with that provider too so I am going with Bigpipe.
Check out https://www.broadbandcompare.co.nz/ and / or https://www.glimp.co.nz/
I am also looking at the options (have been for the last few weeks) and I've been keeping an eye on those two (and here) to see what might come up.
Who are you with now? Have you tried asking them for the best deal they can do? If so, what did they offer?
Good Question ? Havent looked into this but would also be very interested !!!