• expired

PS4 DualShock 4 V2 Controller + 5 Games $99 @ The Warehouse


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The Warehouse
The Warehouse

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  • +1

    less then $20each is not bad are the games retail copy or download codes?

    edit its 6 games so its $16.50 each not bad

    • Which game is the sixth one?

      • +1

        Concrete Genie

    • +2

      Retail copies. Disk copies. One of the game is sold out so i didnt include it.

  • +1

    PS4 Dreams is sold out

  • Order placed - thanks OP!
    Fingers crossed not just a glitch!

    • +1

      yeah i hope its not this deal is too good

    • +2

      The Warehouse used to be able to stack these deals back in the days then it stopped working. They have always fulfilled those orders back then as well so I'm pretty sure they would here as well.

  • +3

    You can sub in this controller + Fortnite code bundle(thewarehouse.co.nz) for a standalone controller and it will still count.

    I feel sorry for Courierpost.

  • Mostly disappearing now

  • In for 1… need a new controller.

  • Wow thanks so much!

  • +1

    Pretty much all coming up as sold out online now. Probably for the best, I don't need any of this but still find a deal of this calibre very tempting.

  • At the time I purchased there were 3 games left. 7:35am 26/05 got the controller and 3 games (God, Detroit, GT sport)

  • Nice find. I was playing with these deals trying to see if it would work with two controllers, didn't think to try with all games.

    Pity most of the games are sold out now

  • Morning all, would somoeone please explain how stacking works? I don't seem to be able to get 1 controller + add more than 1 game?

    • Put 1 controller and all the games that are still in stock online into the cart. Quite a few have slowly sold out overnight since I posted.

      • Thanks Tomo. Did that :)
        Mostly sold out bar Detroit and Become Human.
        I was in for SM.

  • its all sold out now :(

    • Check from time to time. Games come back into stock.

      • Why/how does that happen?

        • +1

          That's just the way it is
          Things will never be the same
          That's just the way it is
          Aww yeah

        • +1

          They could receive more stock from their suppliers, or they may just suck at keeping track of their inventory

  • No longer stacks, hope everyone got their orders and it didn't get cancelled as this was a website mistake.

  • +1

    Yea didnt do the deal but cant see how they would honour this it would cost them a heap.

    • +1

      Mine shipped this morning

      • update us and let us know if u got all the games

    • I had the opportunity to add all 5 games to my cart, but didn't as I didn't need it. I've already got two dualshock 4 controllers that are virtually brand new.

      • +10

        Real cheapies buy because its a good deal, we contemplate whether we actually need it after buying.

        • +1


        • +2

          I feel personally attacked by this comment 😂

  • Did anyone get their order shipped?

    • +1

      I've received three games with the other one and the controller still "processing". Will be interesting to see how they handle this one.

      As an aside, I'm a bit annoyed that I've received this so quick when I'm still waiting for them to fulfill a click and collect order I'd placed during lockdown.

      • Could you please PM me?

  • I've had confirmation mine has shipped but yet to arrive.

  • Had an email from them:

    Thanks for your order for the PS4 Controller promotion.

    Unfortunately due to an error in our system it appears you may have been able to select all games to go with our new PS4 DualShock controller, whereas the offer is for one free game only. We apologise for this error.

    In order to complete your order, please confirm which game you would like to receive – one of the 6 options below. Once we have your choice, we will complete your order and send it out.

    The games to choose from are:

    9400988883991 PS4 Spiderman

    9400988880808 PS4 God Of War

    711719351702 PS4 Dreams

    711719753612 PS4 Concrete Genie

    9401056012817 PS4 Detroit Become Human

    9400988050584 PS4 GT Sport

    We look forward to hearing back from you soon and do apologise again for this error.

  • +1

    Lol mine just arrived minus the controller haha Got GT, God of war, Dreams and Detroit Become Human. Wonder if I should ring and ask where my controller is?

    • Wonder why they’re honouring some, but not others.

      • I got notification mine was sent about 4 hrs after placing the order, maybe they caught on after that and stopped it. A bit annoyed I wanted the controller :/

  • Looks like I got controller, GOW, and GT sport

    Good morning,

    Thanks for your order for the PS4 Controller promotion.

    Unfortunately due to an error in our system it appears you may have been able to select all games to go with our new PS4 DualShock controller, whereas the offer is for one free game only. We apologise for this error.

    We can see by your order that we have already shipped some of the games and the controller to you, therefore this deal has been completed and will not be sending any further games.

    We do apologise again for this error.

    Kind regards

    The Gaming Team

    • +3

      wonder what consumer rights here are?

      I’d accept cancellation if they hadn’t posted the order already, but to send half of the order and say that in their opinion the “deal has been completed” seems borderline.

      • +1

        Retailers have protection for these sort of errors. I mean if someone misses a couple of zeros off the price sticker for a Ferrari, unfortunately you can't walk in and demand you pay what was shown on the sign. Covered under "Contractual Mistakes Act" or something like that. However I would have the right to cancel and get a refund if I wasn't happy with the outcome.

  • +1

    Click and collected this afternoon - got all games (except spidy still pending) and controller!

  • My controller arrived today (a week after the games), so in the end got the controller and 4 games for $99 + free shipping :)

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