• long running

Free $10 NZD Investment Credit with Hatch When You Deposit $100 NZD or More - hatchinvest.co.nz


Deposit NZD100 or more into your Hatch Investment account and both the referrer and yourself will get a $10 NZD top-up to your Hatch accounts.

Use the "Referral Links" area below to use someone's referral link.

Here are the T's & C's https://www.hatchinvest.nz/referrals-terms

Referral Links

Referral: random (41)

Referrers and Referees get $10 NZD after referee signs up and makes an initial deposit of $100 or more

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  • Do you use this OP?

    this is like sharesies i think right?

    Fees as follows:
    US tax sorted and NZ tax made easy
    A one-off $1.50 USD fee and annual $0.50 USD fee pays for your W-8BEN tax form and yearly US tax filing. At the end of every tax year we give you everything you need to file your NZ tax return and comply with NZ's unique tax requirements.

    No monthly fees, inactivity fees, or complicated hidden extras. Just pay for what you use.

    To exchange your money.
    That’s roughly half what you usually pay, and no minimum fees or add-ons for withdrawals.

    $3 USD
    To buy or sell shares.
    A flat fee for every order of up to 300 shares (then it’s $0.01 a share).

    • +1

      Yea I do use it, my referral code is in the system.
      NZ company, but let’s you buy US stocks.
      Super nice customer service team too : )

      • I would have to disagree with the customer service comment. They were atrocious with me. Support was from a product owner, not someone with customer services skills.

  • +1

    Where on earth do you find your referral code?

  • +1

    i use it. nice design and all but with the high fees i would definitely not recommend it. I think they've reduced their fees but there's other better options out there.

    • USD$3 fee. If you are suggesting Stake, they have no fees, but charge lots for currency conversion NZD -> USD. Alot more than Hatch.

      • Spot check, NZD to USD is 0.642 on hatch vs 0.638 on stake. Not exactly a big difference. Their fee was for buying AND selling, so that's $6 USD per trade. It used to be $16.

        • Hatch has the 0.5% fee added to the spread while Stake will list all the fees (1% or $2 min) separately.
          I use both.

  • If you want something free use stake , robin hood and webull made access to market free for everyone in the us , there are many free brokers in the USA you can get it in new Zealand you can sign up for tasty trade think or swim trading 212 and tiger brokers they are all free or very cheap why pay 3 nzd plus commission , those companies earn money via market makers and interests on accounts plus margin interests etc

    • +1

      I'm trying to decipher the above post as the lack of punctuation and capitalisation makes it very hard to decipher the actual brokers you recommend however the first recommended broker I looked at, Tiger Brokers www.tigerbrokers.co.nz, have a banner message saying they cannot currently arrange NZX trades. A search in Google also indicates they were warned by the FMA under anti-money laundering regulations just 2 months ago. Their fee structure looks complex and while they "may" be free or very cheap this all raises concerns.

      If you could list the other brokers you recommend as better value instead of Hatch it would be a lot more helpful. Thank you.

      • TD Ameritrade is a good one for commission free trading

      • Tiger brokers, is a very innovative fintech company,they are not allowed to trade on asx and nzx they use interactive brokers as there back end , I think interactive brokers, along with TD Ameritrade , Charles Schwab, etc are one of the biggest brokers in the world, tiger broker is a start up venture capital funded by them and Xiaomi and some others mostly for customers in China and many other Asian countries which currently don't have access to us market , tiger broker is better than hatch it's more like we bull ie very innovative , you can also try trading 212 which is bit different mostly Europe stocks with some us stocks it's completely free and is very innovative ,

        Other thing with tiger broker is they have access to many markets which is very good in my opinion,

        If you think grammar and English consistency is what you need don't use tiger broker , they have many things in Chinese and English translation is not good .

        For pure us securities stock ETFs TD Ameritrade , future and options go for tasty trade

        • From today's NZ Herald:

          Adding to a dramatic news week, trading platform Tiger Brokers was fined $160,000 plus NZX's costs of enforcement for breaching NZX participant rules.

          A tribunal found that Tiger Brokers had deposited client funds into an account it knew was not a client funds account, and failed to promptly comply with direction to rectify the breach.

          • @netwalk: That is correct there platform is not suitable or good , I have used it and I feel it's very misleading

    • Stake have no commission, but charge a lot for currency conversion, that's how they make their money. Hatch has a better currency conversion rate, so overall better to use Hatch, than Stake for deposits.

      • I did some currency exchange from stake it was decent exchange rate , if your worried about exchange rate open up an account with transfer wise do a ACH to stake 5 USD per transaction from stake ,or free to any broker you want in USA and there exchange rates are very good , good alternative is ae but they don't have ach but not sure there are many who provide good exchange rates plus ACH due to popularization of fentech companies

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