In celebration of their fifth birthday, Sound & Picture, a print and digital publication that focuses on a wide variety of filmmaking techniques and workflows, is offering 50,000 free lifetime subscriptions to the digital version of their magazine.
The current issue features some awesome stories about the workflows of a few of last year's biggest films. From the sound mixing and processes behind Whiplash and Interstellar, to an in-depth interview with Chris Haarhoff, the Steadicam operator whose fluid long takes defined the aesthetic of Birdman. Additionally, interviews with prolific editors and VFX artists round out the magazine's coverage.
It truly does have something for everyone, no matter your filmmaking discipline. With that said, audio junkies will also be particularly thrilled by Sound & Picture's content.
Simply register a valid email address and receive a link to your first and all subsequent magazines.
Digital editions can be read on your computer and are also downloadable via app on Apple( and Android( devices. To access the free mags on your mobile devices, log in with the email you used to register. You'll have access to magazines dating back to 2013. The new edition for 2015 is due any day now.
Full announcement here(
Enjoy :)