Double Din Head-Units

I was looking at getting a double din Bluetooth head unit so I can take handsfree calls in my 20-year-old Toyota. Was looking at the Pioneer Avh-A215bt Head Unit + Reverse Camera Package for $429 but keen to hear if anyone has some tips on what I should get. Thanks


  • +1

    Is that an installed price? Depending on how techie you are, you may want to pay slightly more for something that has carplay / android auto. Dont get android mirrorlink as this is rubbish imo.

  • Ok cheers. Nope was just going to install myself. Cheers for the headsup on mirrorlink. Dont need the GPS as it a run about in my hood and I know my way around. Calls without breaking the law main reason.

    • +1

      Perfect, yea if installing your self, just get a better unit and order the camera from aliexpress. Even with the 3 month wait it'll be better imo. You can get one of the cameras designed to replace the licence plate light, looks better and works better that the generic ones you have you screw on.

      • Very good advice. Thanks.

  • +1

    I recently looked at double din options for my 13 year old Toyota and settled on a Kenwood dpx-5200bt with self install which is totally doable as you can buy wiring harnesses which convert the vehicles connectors to the stereos connectors so no wire cutting etc. The stereos are not well listed on Pricespy and I found this unit ranged from $387 at Repco down to $199 at Driving Sound on Dominion road. Kenwoods come with the face plate trimming required to fit some Toyotas which are slighter bigger than standard double din and this would need to be purchased separately for other brands, and they directly support steering wheel control wiring and learning which is another extra with other brands. The wiring harnesses for install are cheapest on TradeMe. The Kenwood dpx-5200bt is great unit with bluetooth, high speed USB charging, and very smart looking but no rear camera support if that's mandatory.

    • +1

      Thanks for putting time into a detailed response. Drivingsound looks to have heaps of options so will have a good look tonight.

    • Thanks for the reply. I had to get some cheap trims off trademe. If I was going to do again I would go with a wider unit to fit the toyota. You can get cheap units or kenwood make a wider unit that will fit toyota without trims.

  • +1

    I just installed a JVC KW M150 BT last night $289 from Repco, hands free blue tooth phone and music, can mirror using JVC mirroring app, reverse camera, steering controls, capatitive touch screen.
    Seems great so far for the price and looks better than the jap sat nav that was in there.
    Android Auto would have been nice but it costs too much at that the moment for the BT version i.e non USB mirroring connection version

    Sounds like a lot of people have trouble with phone mirroring with with car play, Android car and JVC/Kenwood mirroring. But looks like people do not set up their phone correctly to the head unit. E.g. phone gong into lock so loosing connection.

    • Cheers I ended up getting the same unit. Super happy for the price.

    • Also it appears android auto will not work over bluetooth you need a wifi unitm bluetooth is low bandwidth I believe.

  • +1

    Cheers. Seems like a good price. I keep checking out the top range ones now. Which will lead to new speakers next thing ya know sound system worth more than the rest of the car. Thanks everyone for responses I am going sit on it for a while and keep an eye out for specials like a true choice cheapie should.

    • Curious to know what headunit you end up purchasing. I am in the market for a double-din android auto/car play + reverse camera capabilities as well.

      • Its a hard choice. Some cheaper JVC with android auto that seem to be older models but I dont want the hard buttons on the left. Kenwoods look like the best but $$$$$. Repco have the sony XAV-AX3000 for $582 which wouldn't be my first choice but if I want to hide from the family today in gargage it could be an option.

        • Seems it would be better to pay a bit more for the sony 5000 with better screen. The JVC KW M150 BT sick man got is a good price but no android auto yet tempting for the price.

  • Please note if you're going to get an actual Android head unit, make sure you buy one locally with warranty included. My old one( broke (screen started flickering, like watching an old VHS) after it baked in the summer heat.

  • I ended up getting a JVC KW M150 BT with no android auto. I was keen to do something Saturday morning and wanted something right away and it would of been $300 more for android auto. Reason I decided against android auto was, I wanted one right away. Old car with thrid party insurance. I mostly do short trips so it's not really worth plugging phone in. If it was a car used for long road trips android auto be much more tempting. Super happy with the unit and the hands free calling.

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