I'm sure these are cheap for a reason. They sound disgusting -yet I'm kind of curious to try them…
Bluebird Lamington Chips 140g $0.98 @ The Warehouse

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Same! Wife not so much…
Me too! Didn't like the roast dinner flavour as it was too salty for me.
Dreadful… an affront to potatoes…
They’re (profanity) terrible
Those dorito spicy/sour cream chips were 49c at paknsave the other week. Warehouse needs to do more to move these horrible things.
the 150g Doritos for 49c?
Yeah, the ones with wonder woman on them. They went down to 99c but must not have cleared fast enough, so they dropped again.
PaknSave Lower hutt tends to have a few really good clearance deals. Once they had short dated Kapiti blue cheese 200g for $1 but it isn't advertised just luck of the draw with what they are trying to get rid of.
They taste terrible.
These are atrocious
they're worth a taste, I didn't hate them but wouldn't buy another bag.
Revolting !
Lol, I have to join the rant here.
You literally couldn't pay me $5 to eat a bag of these.
I tried one.. they were not great, I didn't spit it out or anything, but I wouldn't have eaten any more of them let alone buy another bag.
Definitely a 'wtf were they thinking' flavour.They go really nice with a boiled brussel sprout dip and a teaspoon of iodine.
They are great to indicate the party is over and no need to hang around.
Tried them. Too weird for my taste. Not worth 98 cents in my book.
Didn't mind then myself. Bit of a weird combination of sweet coconut and potato chips but then who would have thought waffles + banana + bacon + cream + maple syrup works either?
There's two other flavours 60 more cents ($1.68)! Sunday Roast(thewarehouse.co.nz) and Paua Fritter & Lemon(thewarehouse.co.nz)
I guess they know the Lamington flavour is a bit controversialThey taste disgusting. Cheese & Onion toastie on the other hand.. they go down a treat
Im a tourist and this was one of the two things I found very offensive here in NZ.
Waiting on the Bluebirds kina flavour to be released.
Damn I wish I could try out how terrible these are.
Would be fun to share with my mates (and not tell them what they are).
I actually quite liked them!