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Bluebird Lamington Chips 140g $0.98 @ The Warehouse


I'm sure these are cheap for a reason. They sound disgusting -yet I'm kind of curious to try them…

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The Warehouse

closed Comments

  • +4

    I actually quite liked them!

    • +1

      Same! Wife not so much…

    • +1

      Me too! Didn't like the roast dinner flavour as it was too salty for me.

  • +3

    Dreadful… an affront to potatoes…

  • Lol!

  • +4

    They’re (profanity) terrible

  • Those dorito spicy/sour cream chips were 49c at paknsave the other week. Warehouse needs to do more to move these horrible things.

    • the 150g Doritos for 49c?

      • Yeah, the ones with wonder woman on them. They went down to 99c but must not have cleared fast enough, so they dropped again.
        PaknSave Lower hutt tends to have a few really good clearance deals. Once they had short dated Kapiti blue cheese 200g for $1 but it isn't advertised just luck of the draw with what they are trying to get rid of.

  • +1

    They taste terrible.

  • +1

    These are atrocious

  • they're worth a taste, I didn't hate them but wouldn't buy another bag.

  • +1

    Revolting !

  • +1

    Lol, I have to join the rant here.

    You literally couldn't pay me $5 to eat a bag of these.

  • I tried one.. they were not great, I didn't spit it out or anything, but I wouldn't have eaten any more of them let alone buy another bag.
    Definitely a 'wtf were they thinking' flavour.

  • +2

    They go really nice with a boiled brussel sprout dip and a teaspoon of iodine.

  • +4

    They are great to indicate the party is over and no need to hang around.

  • Tried them. Too weird for my taste. Not worth 98 cents in my book.

  • Didn't mind then myself. Bit of a weird combination of sweet coconut and potato chips but then who would have thought waffles + banana + bacon + cream + maple syrup works either?

  • There's two other flavours 60 more cents ($1.68)! Sunday Roast(thewarehouse.co.nz) and Paua Fritter & Lemon(thewarehouse.co.nz)
    I guess they know the Lamington flavour is a bit controversial

  • They taste disgusting. Cheese & Onion toastie on the other hand.. they go down a treat

  • Im a tourist and this was one of the two things I found very offensive here in NZ.

  • Waiting on the Bluebirds kina flavour to be released.

  • Damn I wish I could try out how terrible these are.

    Would be fun to share with my mates (and not tell them what they are).

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