Part of the EB Games G+POP Sale. Not all items are available for click and collect.
New items keep getting added and some items are selling pretty quick. Too many items to list here. Click 'Go to deal' and check out the rest for yourself.
Viewtiful Joe TOTAKU Figure $1 (was $20)(
[PS4] Surfworld Series $5 (was $49.99)(
@Play Nintendo Switch Chat Headset $5 (was $39.99)(
@Play PS4 Chatpad $5 (was $49.99)(
Harry Potter Dumbledores Cup $49 (was $189)(
DC Bombshells – Poison Ivy 1953 Chevrolet Bel Air 1/24 Scale Die-Cast Metal Vehicle $15 (was $59)(
Avenger: Infinity War - Captain America 7" Action Figure $10 (was $59)(
Some are going quick indeed! Put Walking Dead Definitive Series in my cart, and two minutes later at check out, it was already sold out.
I managed to get a couple of Ps4 games and a Friday the 13th figure. Cheers!