Just purchased a new espresso machine and was looking for a standalone grinder when I came across this deal.
I used their price beat online by calling their customer service reps, but can be beaten in-store too
There is a better grinder, Breville The Smart Grinder Pro, but it doesn't have too many more features compared to this one, and the conical burrs are the same
Features include:
- Stainless Steel Conical Burrs
- 60 grind settings (additional 10 grind settings at Burrs)
- Fits 50-58mm filter baskets
- Adjustable Razor Tool from Breville
Current price at various retailers:
JB Hifi - $239
Noel Leeming - $369
Briscoes - $315
$369 for a Coffee Grinder! I am sure there are much more expensive ones out there. Meanwhile, I came across this news: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/123055703/kmarts-99-coffee-…