This deal was posted 4 years 4 months 29 days ago

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  • expired

Free Large Pizza When You Download Domino's App and Create a New Account


Download the Domino's app, create a new account & claim a free large pizza with your next delivery order. *New user only

*Conditions apply. Limited time only. Available for New App users only. Voucher code is for one Free Large Pizza. Valid for delivery orders only. Minimum delivery order $20. Voucher code valid for one week from date of issue. One voucher code per unique account. Voucher code is sent via text message and valid for single use through the Domino’s App only. Selected stores only. App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc. Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc. Full terms at:…

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closed Comments

  • So is it in other words spend 20 bucks and get a free pizza or does the free pizza count towards spend

    • +2

      I also hate their FREE PIZZA emails on Tuesday. After clicking on it, it says buy one get one Free only, which they have been doing for centuries..

    • How do you count a pizza that's worth zero bucks?

  • +2

    Has anyone received code via sms yet.
    Tried with 2 diff number yesterday, it got registered but no text yet.

    • +1

      Same here no luck for me or friend - tried last night

    • Got mine within 2min today

  • Received code about a week after sign up. Valid for 1 week. Minimum spend $20 on top of the free pizza.

  • Won't even let me create an account, everything has green ticks but click create account and nothing happens. Tried multiple times.

  • This doesn't work. Code never received.

  • Whilst this night seem a good deal, the conditions negate the 'free pizza'. For starters it only applies for deliveries when you spend $20 or more (and the freebie isnt counted towards that $20). And, delivery pizzas cost much more than store prices. For example a pizza thats $5 in store is $10.00plus from memory. So two value pizzas equals the $20 minimum + your freebie, which would be $15 in store. So you are actually paying the normal price plus $5 for delivery. It doesnt equate to anything free at all. If you want value for $, you have to get off your butt and pick up. If you atre too lazy to, then the deal works for you.

  • They are doing PR for with a new app launch, seems to have worse conditions attached(this deal offer seems dead now)…

    iirc you have to spend $15 or more in an app order to then later get a txt with a code for a free large pizza

    The company said a new customer was someone who hadn't associated their phone number with an order on the old Domino's app in the last 12 months.

    Those who aren't new customers may still get a 30 percent discount on a pizza, the company said, but didn't reveal the selection criteria for receiving the discount.

    Not sure how easy it is to change account/phone numbers with the app, I'm pretty sure people had issues with that in the past.

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