This was posted 4 years 3 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

30% off $121 Spend at The Warehouse


You have to use 4 codes in total. The codes are stackable. I have successfully used them in an order (that has been shipped).

  • Sasdec20 for 12.5% and/or 5% off: lots of items get 12.5% off, most get 5% off, some get both (total 16.88% off). You'll just have to add the item to the cart and find out how much discount applies to each.
  • giveit-twl-5off-20201209 for $5 off $50 spend
  • giveit-twl-10off-20201209 for $10 off $100 spend
  • FDREF43944 for free shipping

The first 3 codes expire tonight.

If you buy items that are eligible for 12.5% + 5% off then you'll end up paying $85 for $121 worth of stuff.

Related Stores

The Warehouse
The Warehouse

closed Comments

  • +1

    Pretty sure these codes are not stackable.

    • +6

      All the codes worked for me for a order of $158 - dropped it to 123 with free shipping

      • +1

        Oh true. Seems to work (tried to order an xbox one s and price dropped to 500ish)

  • any idea when the free shipping code expires?

  • So tempted by an Xbox series s at $506.55 using these codes.

  • Impressive - pity I already bought the Lego Xmas pressie for my kids. Stacking ends up giving around 23% discount off the $140 price tag which seems like a pretty decent discount for Lego.

  • +1

    Can you give a bit more info on this code! - Sasdec20 for 12.5% + further 5% off (total 16.88% off) most items and 5% off other items

  • Awesome, where do you get giveit codes from OP? Is that from the warehouse app?

    • It's from there but not quite from there ;)

  • +2

    Just used these codes stacked with the Veon Bluetooth speaker deal.…

    2 x Veon IPX6 Bluetooth Speaker VNIPX62018 for $88.68 (Normally $158)

    Comments on the Warehouse page says that this is a rebranded Treblab HD77 which go for about $60-80 USD each…

    They can also paired in stereo so seems like a good alternative for a bluetooth stereo speaker setup.

  • thank you, got lego for my niece, $180 down to $142. never see such good discounts on lego.

    • Cool, I'm glad to hear. I got lots of lego too.

      • Got the batman mobile set $140 down to $107.50

        My first actual non classic box Lego, so excited!

  • +2

    Thanks so much for this. My $150 order came down to $99

    • how'd you get $50 off?

      oh wait nvm

  • +1

    Any other suggestions of good deals to get with this stack? Trying to think of things I actually need, and not additional stuff. If I hadn't already bought 100 bucks of toilet paper…

    • detergent, shampoo, toothbrush…

      • +1

        Yes to the above, and hand wash, deodorant, laundry liquid, Finish dishwasher tablets (4x 110 tabs for $65, down to $52.49 after discounts), shower gel, hand cream, bin liners, chocolate, paper towels, etc, non-food things that you would usually buy from supermarkets.

        • and if you have girls in your household… the monthly pads.. expensive as.

  • Grabbed 4x Nest Mini’s for $142.

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