Hello fellow cheapies. Any tips for moving furnitures (beds, sofa etc), boxes and appliances down south from Akl to ChCh? Have contacted some relocation companies e.g Crown, Allied Pickford (they all cost an arm and a leg by the looks of it), but wondering if there is an alternative? Thanks heaps.
House move - Recommendation for Movers

look on trademe / services to see if you can find a mover from Chch to get a back load.
If you are a good way out from moving (two or three months perhaps), this will (likely) be the best price you can get, but be aware it might take a while to find someone (if at all).
I would contact everyone you can find that looks okay, and tell them the date(s) you want to move. If you can be flexible, and give them a window of dates, you'll increase your odds substantially. That gives them the opportuninity to quote both you and someone wanting to go the other way a 'good' rate that works for all three parties.
If you are close to your move date, I'd probably just book someone though, as availability over the holidays might make it difficult.
Thanks for the tips guys. I've listed my move to get a back load as per the geekzone thread but haven't heard anything back - guess it is because of the holidays. Will keep looking.
The discussion on the forum below might be helpful. Happy moving.