This was posted 4 years 2 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

HP Reverb G2 VR Headset (no controllers) $799, with Controllers $899 @ Noel Leeming via The Market


Lowest historical price according to pricespy. Linked page is for headset only.

Headset with controllers $899 (also historical low):…

Headset Only $799…

This is from Noel Leeming. Not sure if there's any active coupons for the market or if it can be beaten in price at another shop to get it slightly cheaper. I will update post if comments indicate this.

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Noel Leeming

closed Comments

  • +1

    Reverb G2 uses inside-out tracking — the headset itself can 'see' where the controllers are using it's built in cameras and sensors. See the review

    You don't need to purchase any additional equipment like lighthouses or valve base stations.

    That said, your default purchase should be the VR headset + controllers bundle, buying the VR headset itself and buying the controllers separately later on means you end up paying more in total.

    • Thanks for clarifying. I had heard that the reverb G2 was an upgrade path for those with a Valve Index (and HTC Vive I think) and that the controllers and base stations were compatible with the G2. I assumed that meant the G2 needs base stations, but they are just required for using other controllers. My bad

    • Q for anyone who used inside-out tracking headsets while sitting at the computer - Do you have to turn off the monitor for the tracking to work?

      • I've used Steam VR wired and wireless on the Quest 1 and didn't have to turn off my monitor when sitting in front of my monitor. Haven't used it much on Quest 2 yet as I've had awful internet since buying it :'(

        I imagine the tracking on Quest 2 and Reverb G2 is as good or better than Quest 1 though.

  • +1

    I suggest anyone getting into VR try the Quest 2 … it's an absolute beast of a unit for the price. (Can grab it for around $550 Delivered to NZ.. including controllers etc buying direct)

    Obviously downside is the Facebook login required, but in terms of "Real Life Experience" it's fantastic.

    At this stage there is no "Standout" VR unit.. they all have their pros and cons.

    -Valve Index is the best in terms of performance.. however it costs multiples of the rest.. requires base stations and has a wire… also needs a gaming PC.
    -G2 has a the best display…good audio. however the controllers are pretty crap.. the tracking is not the best and it also has a wire… also needs a gaming PC.
    -Oculus 2 is wireless and a standalone device.. so you can just use it out of the box… wireless… can be hooked up to SteamVR if your router is good enough (or you use a cable) however the audio is not great.. and the biggest con is it needs a facebook account.

    • I picked up the G2 yesterday - head tracking and controller tracking is absolutely flawless. No issues at all. I'm guessing there's been a software update.

      • Yeah. The G2 is a far superior headset in terms of specs, but the Quest 2 is excellent for its ability to stream desktop games wirelessly, even over the internet. Both are compelling reasons to own either right now. I went with the Quest 2, but at these prices I would have gone for both if the G2 been available then.

  • laughs in $85 Lenovo Explorer

    Joking aside, I was looking at the Quest 2 before that bargain. I'd pick that over the Reverb

    • +2

      Damn you. Im still salty I didnt get one after I posted the deal!

      • +1

        lol how did you not?, did you wait around too much?

        • The wife said no but then she went to buy it next morning as an xmas present and they were sold out.

          • @JackJambor: Ahh bummer, shoulda just bought it and sell off if you couldnt keep it.
            Especially when its damn good deals like that

          • +1

            @JackJambor: God damn. I had one in my cart and buggered off to do something. Didn't think much since it was posted so late, but when I came back, sure enough, sold out.

            One dude made an absolute killing flogging off his four units for $400+ apiece on TM.

      • +2

        Dude I feel for you, I was going to ask my mrs but just went with it. I told her the following morning and she said I should have got a few for Xmas presents, go figure.

        One thing this site has taught me (aside from don't trust Jbhifi "deals" aka misprints), is grab them quick. Also it's easier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission

        • The motto!

    • I think if I'd paid more I would feel obligated to use it a bit more than I have.

      • Yeah, it is a novelty. I fired up Beat Saber for a party recently and it went down pretty well. Also some VR enabled games do feel pretty immersive (ie Star Wars Squadrons and Subnautica).. but yeah the fun factor will undoubtedly wear off shortly.

    • I have the Quest 2 myself. I know some people are put off by the Facebook ownership though

    • I'm still waiting for my Bluetooth dongle from AliExpress. I'm surprised they didn't include one in the bundle.

      • I’m still waiting for something from AliExpress since 2 months ago, you may as well just grab one from a local store tbh

  • the lenovo explorer was my first vr, last week i bought oculus quest 2 and i am looking forward to test it =)
    the downside so far is games from oculus store are super expensive

    • You can just buy steam games and play them via remote desktop by the way. Your mileage may vary though if you don't have a great 5 Ghz router.

      • yep, I've already bought virtual desktop and my oculus will arrive tomorrow, do you recommend any good wifi 6 modem?

        • TP-Link Archer AX10 .. can norm be found around the $200 mark.

          Got it for my Quest 2 running Games via Steam and Virtual Desktop after reading a bunch of reviews etc.

          Running great.

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