Hi, is anyone with Vodafone and have access to Rewards that would be willing to donate their BookMe code? Looking at booking something but have already used mine. Cheers
Anyone got a spare Vodafone Rewards BookMe Voucher?

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Can't find bookme in the rewards section
PB Tech sells em for 99¢ though(pbtech.co.nz)
Yep I got the same error. Anyone else a Vodafone customer who can send me their bookme code please?
I have a bookme code if you still need one?
All good now. Cheers
Would love this please if its still going spare?
Ok, will PM you.
Hi, going on holiday this weekend, I will take the voucher code if you still have it, please. Thank ou.
Hi, I know this is old thread, Just trying my luck. Does anyone still have a spare code please?
Hey anyone has any spare code for bookme? Thank you :)
Send me a PM if you still need one
Do you still have the bookme voucher
Anyone still have a spare code please?
Send me a message. I'm sure we won't use ours this month :)
Never use the bookme voucher before, can I know what is the voucher offer?
Thanks Wakrak!
Anyone have spare code please? Going to QT this weekend cheerssssss
Anyone got a code to share?
Anyone have spare Bookme codes? Need 2 thanks!
Hi All, does anyone have a spare bookme code please for this month? Would be grateful if you could PM me.
Thank you.
PM'ed :)
Thanks so much TheDealMan. Grateful to you.
Hi, trying my luck here. Anyone has a spare Bookme code? Looking to go to Milford Sound next week. TIA.
I have PM. Cheapies community is always more than happy to help. so you will always be lucky here. Enjoy..
Got it, thanks heaps!
Hey all, any more bookme vouchers around the place? Keen to lock in some Queenstown activities :-)
Go buy a handful of voda prepay SIM's
Get $15 worth of Bookme Dining Coupons on us
K6EYWGA7JSGet $20 off your Australian adventures with Bookme
1A32-D903Get $20 off your NZ adventure, when you spend $80 or more with Bookme
GY4YEX3ES7Awesome, thank you!
Would anyone please have a Bookme code to share for Fiji activities?
Anyone has spare bookme voucher that they can give out? Thank you in advance :)
Does anyone have any spare BookMe activities voucher? Thank you!!
Anyone with spares please? Have some guests and need some more to bring them around. TA!
Get $20 off your NZ adventure, when you spend $80 or more with Bookme
Get $15 worth of Bookme Dining Coupons on us
KD6HBEPCTPI assume thats what you are after
Yes. Thank you!! :)
Anybody have any spare BookMe vouchers? Thanks in advances
Anyone with spares please? Have some guests visiting and need to book some activities in new zealand. Thanks
I have PM you with a code.. check your PM..cheers
I have 2 ($20 off $80).
May I be considered for one please?
Can you please PM me? I can't start a conversation with you at the moment but hopefully I can reply.
Hi, hoping someone has a bookme code for NZ they aren't using and would be willing to share?
I'm on holiday in Oz and would appreciate a Bookme code to use here
Anyone able to share a bookme NZ code? Much appreciated!
$20 off $80 adventure
24E0-5F36Legend, used this last night, thanks so much
Is anyone able to please share a bookme voucher for $20 off $80?
Thanks :)
Here's a $20 off $80 code
Thank you so much! Have used it now!
never knew my thread got so popular!
does anyone have a promo for AUS please?5C8B-4BF7 :)
thank you!
Please PM me with any spare codes!
You should be able to get these codes via buying a $2 SIM direct from one and creating an online account with that SIM linked. If/when that SIM expires they still let you claim rewards
Does anyone have a spare Nz bookme code I can have please and thank you! ☺️
just sent you PM.
Does anyone have a spare Bookme code for NZ, that I could have please? Thanks in advance!
here you go
YTU2Z2RWCTCheers for that!
Does anyone have a spare NZ BookMe code?
Anyone has BookMe code for Australia?
Thank you
Any spare codes for NZ please
I'd appreciate a Bookme NZ code if anyone has a spare. Thank you in advance.
Thanks so much!
Anyone able to share a spare bookme NZ code please? Thank you in advance!
Just grab a One NZ Sim card and you can get it through One Rewards.
Cost you $1 at Harvey Norman(harveynorman.co.nz) or $2 direct from One delivered(one.nz)Thank you
Anyone still have a spare code for Aus please?
Anyone have a spare code? Can't get the $1 sim cards as from Australia. Thanks in advance <3
Enjoy mate :)
you're amazing, thanks so much!!!
Anyone have a spare BookMe NZ code pls?
Looking for Spare code if any ? Thanks heaps
Much appreciated:)
Can I please have a code?
Hi, am from OZ too. If anyone could spare me their code that would be great! Am referring to this deal not the NZ one. https://rewards.one.nz/OfferCompetition/OfferDetails?entityI…
Hi all, if anyone could spare me their 20$ code for bookme Australia that would be great!
Any luck mate?
Your voucher cannot be redeemed in New Zealand, it's only valid for regions in Australia
Morning All, Looking for code as travelling to NZ with family .
Hopefully community can help me..
Anyone have 1 can share please? That would be great I'm going to travel south next week. Cheers!
Just used this one as it was available. Thank you!
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turn on your PM's