• out of stock

Xbox Series X $799 + Shipping / Pickup @ The Warehouse / The Market


I guess it’s not a deal but The Warehouse has Xbox Series X in stock. They are still hard to come by so this may benefit someone.

JBHiFi just had a batch last week as well so might be available across retailers for a short time. Demand still seems strong.

Edit: Also looks like stock is showing on TheMarket. The 5% discount off site wide due to start at 12am might work? It only says exclude PS5 in terms.

Edit2: Buy through TheMarket and use code Long50 for $50 discount! I can’t update URL now but link is here: https://themarket.com/nz/p/xbox-series-x-1tb-console/2-R2708605

Edit3: Long50 code has expired now. Someone want to try the 5% off code?

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The Warehouse
The Warehouse
The Market
The Market

closed Comments

  • +2

    Waiting for the next PS5 drop 😫

  • Definitely still a deal - $50 off with The Market's long weekend codes…

    • +1

      Thanks for pointing out. Updated details.

  • Safe to buy via The Market too as warranty for these can be handled by Microsoft directly if wanted.

  • Long50 code shows as invalid when I enter it

    • That code has expired now, was for long weekend

  • 5% off code showed as invalid when trying to purchase this too

    • Cheers. Have updated.

  • +2

    221 in stock at 08:31am

    Can get all of em delivered for $5 😄

    • Why nobody wants Xbox Series X?

      • I have both, and love the XSX (though the dualsense is awesome) :)

    • There was 282 last night when I posted. I guess they had 300 or so to start.

    • +2

      Click and collect would be funnier

  • still 189 left

    • +2

      189 PS5 would be sold out in 10 minutes.

    • Hi, May I know where you found out how much stock there is? I can't find it on the page. :)

      • +1

        Add it to the cart, go to the cart, change the quantity to 200, then the quantity will be changed to maximum stock by system.

  • Also instock at mightyape so you could use the $10 off $50 code presumably

  • Huh the MUM5 code is working now, so you can save $39.95 through the Marketnz

    • Surprised it wasn't working from the beginning since Xbox isn't on the exclusion list. Maybe their system is a bit of a turtle.

      • I think the code was just broken site wide until about lunch time not just on the Xbox. I tried it on a couple of products listed explicitly when you clicked on the voucher banner and it didn't work.

        So tempted by this but $760 is a lot of money to reduce load times and sharpen up the same games I can already play.

  • 69 still left 😅

    • +1

      not selling like ps5

    • +1

      Like last time EB game having XSX for 2 days…

    • 3 now

  • I can't understand Scalpers on trade me. A few Xbox Series X for sale around the $900 mark.
    $900 - 7.9 percent trade me success fee = $828.

    Scalpers making $70 on a console lol and even they are having a hard time selling 😅

    • probably just scared money because 500+ just hit the market today, one sold 8am wed for $1175

  • Out of stock as of this morning

  • +2

    In stock at mighty ape

  • back in stock at warehouse

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