This was posted 3 years 10 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$5 off $50 Spend; 20% off Whiteware; 30% off Oven/Dinnerware; 15% off Cosmetics, Kids Footwear; 25% off Mirrors @ The Warehouse


New round of The Warehouse giveit code offers.

  • Free shipping codes here
$5 off $50 spend
giveit-twl-5off50-20210512 ​
15% off pasta and pasta sauces
giveit-twl-15offpasta-20210512 ​
25% off mirrors
giveit-twl-25offmirrors-20210512 ​
20% off slippers
giveit-twl-20offslippers-20210512 ​
15% off boys and girls footwear
giveit-twl-15offfootwear-20210512 ​
30% off ovenware
giveit-twl-30offovenware-20210512 ​
20% off whiteware
giveit-twl-20offwhiteware-20210512 ​
15% off cosmetics
giveit-twl-15offcosmetics-20210512 ​
30% dinnerware
giveit-twl-30offdinnerware-20210512 ​
40% off living & co silk pillowcase
$29.40 after discount(
12/05 10AM: Currently OOS online.
13/05 Item completely removed from store


One use per online account. To use multiple times, 'checkout as guest'.

In-store use:

Download 'The Warehouse' app. Login. In 'my account' select one of the locations below as a 'my preferred stores'. The home screen should now show a purple wallet. Click on 'wallet' to bring up a QR code.

In-store T&Cs:

giveit is available through The Warehouse app and in the following stores: Lower Hutt, Lyall Bay, Paraparaumu, Petone, Porirua, Upper Hutt, Wellington, Ashburton, Barrington, Belfast, Eastgate, Hornby, Northlands, Rangiora, Riccarton, Rolleston, South City, Timaru, Alexandra, Balclutha, Mosgiel, Oamaru, Queenstown, South Dunedin, Gore and Invercargill.

Related Stores

The Warehouse
The Warehouse

closed Comments

  • Coupon for the silk pillowcase is invalid :( any ideas as to why it’s not working?

    • Whoops code was missing a '2'. Give it another go.

      • Hi can you please input here the correct code for the pillowcase discount? It’s invalid

        • Should be correct. Fixed it this morning after Inmagic's comment. Out of stock online though so I am unable to test it.

  • +1

    Thank you Wakrak!

  • Do new discount codes come out weekly?

    • Yes.

  • If you want a pair of pillowcases Kogan/Dick Smith is cheaper, a set of 2 for $30 + $10 shipping.

    • +1

      Those ones are only silk on one side.
      Face side: 100% Pure Mulberry Silk | Back side: 400TC 100% Cotton.

      • Good find.

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