Two promotions working simultaneously, giving us a decent discount. Works best if you buy the same product twice.
Buy 1 get 1 HALF PRICE Pantene Range
Buy 1 get 1 HALF PRICE Head and Shoulders Range
PE2 : Pantene and Head & Shoulders Range
Shampoo / Conditioner
H&S Dry Scalp Shampoo 660ml(
H&S Ultramen Deep Clean 2-in-1(
H&S Clean & Balanced Shampoo(
Pantene Ultimate 10 Shampoo(
Pantene Ultimate 10 Conditioner(
Free shipping codes
Cheapest price at the moment for the Pantene Ultimate 10 Hair Care is $4.49 at both New World & Pak'nSave now $3.99 @ Pak'nSave. $6.99 @ Chemist Warehouse.
Pricebeat update
Pricebeat Pantene 10 with PNS(
$3.99 - 10% ($0.39) = $3.60
x2 = $7.20
TWH bonus discount $1.20
= $6 for two. $12.15 for four.
Your pricebeat experience may vary.
Looks like chemist warehouse have the slight variant 620mL on special wowee $7!…