Warehouse is finally getting some better board games in, check out more info on this absolute beauty of a game here https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/266192/wingspan. Its easy to understand and a medium weight, but not for those of short attention span as there is quite alot of information to keep track of. The Oceania expansion adds 95 new hand drawn bird cards, 5 new player boards and a few new gameplay nuances.
Usually its $100-$110 for the base game and $50-65 for the expansion, this is a great deal for a game I havent seen go on any decent sale in NZ before. Pricematch both at TWH vs
and dont forget the free shipping coupon, FDREF02917. you can also get Carcasonne at a good price, though not as good as with the previous double stacked coupon deal last month, and they also sell Gloomhaven and one expansion so I can see some good discounts happening in the future.
Cheers and happy gaming
The expansion is also available at 1-day
$38.50ish delivered with code ILOVESHOPPING