Void Bastards - Epic Store
Inspired by BioShock and System Shock 2, Void Bastards is a revolutionary
new strategy-shooter that will test your wits as well as exercise your aim.
Can you lead the misfit prisoners of the Void Ark through the derelict
spaceships and myriad dangers of the Sargasso Nebula?Very Positive (6,287 reviews) Steam Link
Yooka-Laylee - Epic Store
Yooka-Laylee is an all-new open-world platformer from genre veterans Playtonic!
Explore huge, beautiful worlds, meet an unforgettable cast of characters and horde
a vault-load of collectibles as buddy-duo Yooka and Laylee embark on an epic adventure
to thwart corporate creep Capital B!Mostly Positive (2,179 reviews) Steam Link
Voidbastards is great fun if a FPS roguelike is what you're into