Logitech Z623 Speakers
Lowest price in a while(pricespy.co.nz)
Can also price match at Noel Leeming(noelleeming.co.nz) for an additional $10 off with the welcome code - MYNL16W10
Logitech Z623 Speakers
Lowest price in a while(pricespy.co.nz)
Can also price match at Noel Leeming(noelleeming.co.nz) for an additional $10 off with the welcome code - MYNL16W10
Yeah there are so many products that haven't changed much in years.
Sony are still selling the A6000 mirrorless camera new even today for example from 2014.
Yes, bought one.
Bought these an year ago and love them.
Great deal for great speakers. Picked these up through a friend who worked at JB Hifi for $165 like 4 years ago. still amazing now. You'll probably want the bass below 0 though
Pretty sure I bought these speakers for $200 back in 2012 😄