• expired

Items from $0 + Delivery @ Huffer


Huffer Outlet labour weekend sale , use code vaxthanks to take $20 off.
Credit to jamie12345 for code.

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  • Shipping is ~$7.50 for wellington

  • +10

    $20 items in-stock


    EXOTIC PARTY SHIRT GUM s, 2xl(huffer.co.nz)
    EXOTIC RELAX SHORTS GUM s(huffer.co.nz)
    SUP TEE/1997 RED s, 2xl(huffer.co.nz)
    SUP TEE/CONDO RD/NVY s(huffer.co.nz)
    SUP TEE/DECKARD WHT s(huffer.co.nz)
    SUP TEE/DOTDOTDOT RED s, m , l(huffer.co.nz)
    SUP TEE/PABLO RED/ORNG s, m(huffer.co.nz)
    ANTI-CAMO PARTY SHIRT s, m, l, xl, 2xl(huffer.co.nz)


    ARCADIA CINCH TEE CHALK 6, 8(huffer.co.nz)
    STELLA TEE/BIG BANG 6, 8, 10(huffer.co.nz)
    ONEROA MANDY CAMI SAND 6, 8, 10, 12, 14(huffer.co.nz)
    CHLOE TEE/OVERRIDE 6(huffer.co.nz)
    RISE SKIRT 6, 8, 10, 12, 14(huffer.co.nz)
    HIGH TIDE IVY TOP 6, 8, 12, 14(huffer.co.nz)

    • The few mediums in that list are sold out now

    • Awesome, I needed a couple of t-shirts. Thanks Wakrak!

    • Thanks for listing out all the available stock, Wakrak!

      I believe I copped the very last M of SUP TEE/PABLO RED/ORNG, cheers!

  • Isn't this a duplicate of Jamie12345's post?


    If not, what is new here that I am missing?


    • His post was regarding the actual code, this post is regarding the sale which had not started at time of his post. Happy for mods to merge if they want.

      • +1

        Fair enough - just wasn't sure what I was missing.



        • No offense to nachos but is it just me or are you guys also noticing more duplicate posts and spam (with newly made accounts <1 day old) recently

          • +1

            @saxasianguy: My observation is that the mods (I guess) seem to delete duplicates fairly regularly.

            I could not say how quickly that happens, but it doesn't really worry me. I don't have email notifications turned on, so its not a big deal for me, but if I did, then I suspect it would be more annoying.

            From my perspective, Nachos is beyond reproach - one of the top deal posters here, and I happily 'tip my hat' to them for all their efforts.


            • @Alan6984: Totally agree with you - i'm more talking about the spam accounts recently

              • +2

                @saxasianguy: Yep - I'm sure you're right :-)

                I know you weren't impugning Nachos in any way - I just felt inclined to publicly show my appreciation to them.


                • +4

                  @Alan6984: Thanks Alan, I don't feel deserving of being "beyond reproach". I'd suggest I fit somewhere between morally questionable and ethically challenged.

                  • @nevergofullretail: Okay - I take it back :-)

                    Nah - you post loads of great deals, you deserve some recognition, although I think CC has done that in the past a couple of times!

  • All the models look real sad for some reason…

  • +1

    just got my order, wow Huffer's quality is SOO bad now… like even the shape of the tees is so weird. The neck hole is so tight and its a XL, its so boxed and poor quality…. what happened to the good quality Huffer

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