Click Frenzy: The Main Event Deals 9 Nov 2021

Click Frenzy lands in NZ

Click Frenzy is one of the biggest shopping events in Australia, and finally in 2021 Kiwis get to join in the shopping event. This time limited event runs for 53 hours and historically, has included partners from many big-name retailers and franchises

Be sure signup to their website here( to receive their newsletter and be in the running to win some of their 99% of deals. (You can always opt out after the event is over).

What offers will we see on Click Frenzy?

Here are some details that I found on Scoop:(

Fila: Up to 70% off sitewide
Lenovo: Take 10%* off sitewide, including sale items
Bose: Save up to 50% off
Dinkleboo: $12 Kids Personalised Story Books
Glassons: 20% off sitewide
Sketchers: Up to 50% off Best Selling Walking, Running & Casual Styles
BestDeal: Up to 98% off on Hot-Selling Items
Manscaped: 20% off + free shipping
Hype DC: Up to 20-60% Off Sale
The Athlete’s Foot: Up to 40% off Women's, Men's & Kids shoes
Peter Alexander: Up to 40% off selected Women’s, Men’s & Kid’s sleepwear

The event will be offering you a chance to buy some high-demand items such as Apple phones or laptops, 4K TV's, Nintendo Switches, Samsung Galaxy phones and more, at a very steep discount (99% off). These items randomly appear at certain times of the day (or night) during the 53-hour period, and stock is extremely limited so you'll need to keep your eyes peeled and your fingers ready to snap up these bargains.

Remember: You will need a Click Frenzy account to access these 99% off deals when they go live, so be sure to sign up for free beforehand so you don’t miss out.

Be sure to also bookmark their Instagram page( as they sometimes use this to livestream events (which you need to watch to answer quizzes that unlock the 99% off deals)

How do the 99% off Deals work?

Visit their FAQ here to see an explanation(

Confirmed 99% off Deals:


  • 8PM ~ 9PM NZDT - Nutribullet Pro 1000 Blender

  • 10PM ~ 11PM NZDT - Xbox Series S console


  • 5pm to 6pm NZDT - Luxe 2 Slice Toaster

  • 9pm to 10om NZDT - Samsung Galaxy S21 mobile


  • 1 PM to 2 PM NZDT - Garmin Sports Smart Watch

  • 4 PM to 5PM NZDT - Wonderboom 2 Bluetooth Speaker

  • 11~12PM NZDT - Microsoft Surface

See all Click Frenzy Deals on our page here

This is part of Click Frenzy deals for 2021

Related Stores

Click Frenzy NZ
Click Frenzy NZ


  • It wont let me creat an account. I cant get pass creating a password even if i used the password requirement

    • It has to include a "special character" (because we're still in Y2K) so I had to edit my auto password to meet their very secure requirements… lol

      • Yes - I had to go from an insecure 31 character password to a much more secure 32 character password ;-P

  • +1

    The whole site appears amateurish and poorly thrown together with the countdown timer on the main landing page not working for me and showing the event starting 01/01/1970, no list of participating retailers or how details of how many items will be available e.g. $11 Samsung Galaxy Phones or $18 65" TVs.

    It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

    • +2

      I had to disable both of my adblockers to get the countdown timer to work properly.

      I got access to the ClickFrenzy AU presale last night but it was nothing to write home about.

      Some NZ sites have already started their ClickFrenzy sale too; Skechers NZ.

      • Platypus too. It was a little bit reassuring to see that retailers are participating, considering the website I was beginning to think it was some sort of scam.

        Edit: Disabling my ad blocker fixed up the website too.

      • Thanks for the ad blocker tip. Disabling uBlock Origin gets the timer working and more importantly shows the list of participating retailers.

        Even so, it should have been something they tested as many users would have thought the same as me and not thought about disabling ad blockers.

        • +1

          NZ Herald videos don't work with Ghostery turned on, actually not just NZ Herald - some other site videos don't work with Ghostery either

          • +1

            @saxasianguy: I consider that a feature! So many autoplaying videos that I can't read the content I came for.

            • @jaknz: I hate autoplaying videos but with Ghostery the video wont even load. At all.

  • Are those cheap deals a free for all or associated to specific accounts?

    • Free for all. It's been running for many years in Australia since 2012, and getting harder every year as the userbase grows. I've only won 2 prizes so far, one of which was a travel voucher I never used because they never sent it to me, and the other was a 65 inch 4K Samsung tv.

      • Do you have to wait on the site and refresh constantly?

        • +1

          It's recommended to refresh the page once or twice an hour to make sure you are still logged in, sometimes the cookies expire for unknown reason. Oftentimes you get logged out and the popups will not show. This is just speaking from my past experience with playing "the game".

          Popup notifications are completely automatic, just be careful not to dismiss it by accident by tapping outside of the box. You can open multiple duplicate windows or browsers as a backup just in case you dismiss it.

          Note You can only win one prize in this event, once you have been sent your 99% off voucher, the game is over for you and you'll have to wait till the next event( to participate again.

  • +2

    hmmmm bose is playing the bait and switch, go to their special offers page, it shows the 700's at $299.95, when you click on them it is actually 449.95

    • Hasn't started yet, has it?

      • ah yeah my bad, that could have been the reason when i posted but now….

    • I'm seeing the same thing

  • +1

    I'm finding this terribly underwhelming so far. Is it like a lotto where only certain accounts get decent deals?

    • Yep - very underwhelming. I was expecting something to drop at 7 on the .

      • Will the 99% specials come on clickfrenzy site or their advertisers sites for eg grabone? Thanks

    • Historically speaking the deals for CF have never been that strong, there might be some good deals in future Click Frenzy events but this sale is likely going to be eclipsed by Singles Day and Black Friday

      We're all here for the 99% off deals :P

  • even with ublock disabled the website now seems broken for me (since the sale started)

  • Dare I say some smart people are probably aware of the 99% deal popups and will setup a notification to enter/have the best odds of winning asap? I mean it must be in the html/css for the site even when not 'live'

    • CF has been running since 2012 in Australia and with every iteration they have gotten smarter and patched out some exploits.

      So tricks like Inspecting the source code or changing the system time to force the questions to show up faster won't work. But I know some web developers will take up the challenge anyway and try to black-hat their way to victory.

      • Ah, we will see. Hope they have a handful of each of the 8 items

  • +1

    Maybe an admin will see this but the link on the cheapies Click Frenzy page directs to a URL with 2 '/' at the end, which on my mobile and PC, wouldn't load. Take one slash off and it works

    • +1

      Fixed now.

  • Does anyone know, if you receive a pop-up 99% off deal and if you succeed and win the deal, are you able to receive more than just one deal? Or if you get one of the 99% off deals does that mean you are unable to receive any of the other pop-up 99% off deals after already winning one?

    • It's once and done, see my comment here. You'll have to wait till the next CF event to play again.

      • So does that mean you can’t have the chance to win a different 99% off deal within the 53 hours? So if you win the Nurtibullet 99% off deal, you can’t have the chance to also win the Xbox 99% off deal?

        • That's correct. If you don't want to win the Nutribullet, you're going to have to skip answering the question for it.

          Of course, you might not know whether you will win the Xbox either, it may be better to answer both questions. The more attractive prizes have harder questions! (and possibly, more people competing for it)

  • Email from ClickFrenzy at 19:41
    99% Deals
    8-9pm Nutribullet for $3
    10-11pm Xbox Series S $6

    • Still no pop-up, does that mean that the deal can come anytime between 8-9?

      • I believe so, that's the way the website FAQ reads to me anyway

      • +3

        It just appeared, europcar

  • So, you just keep the page loaded where you can see it, and look for a pop up? I mean, I guess it gets eyes on their page, but I can't see how it's going to lead to any more sales or leads than just loading it ones. I'm not any more likely to buy any of their crappy deals now than I was an hour ago. Maybe we're not their target demographic… 🤣

  • For anyone wanting to try winning the Nutribullet deal the pop up just went live

    • not sure on word

      • +2

        It's Europcar

        • I entered the wrong answer
          Can i still participate in the next offer?

  • My browser didn't make any noise for the popup - guess I'm watching the screen for an hour for a chance to get this xbox. Does anyone know if deals will continue overnight or can we sleep in peace after 11pm?

    • Theres only like 8 deals total so im guessing there will be none overnight, only up during daylight hours

      • Thanks - is there a list of all of the deals somewhere?

        • Click Frenzy will be featuring eight dedicated 99% off deals to celebrate the launch of the New Zealand event, meaning savvy shoppers have a chance to score the bargain of a lifetime, like a Samsung Galaxy S21 for $11, an Xbox Series S console for $6, a Nutribullet Pro 1000 for $3, Microsoft Surface Laptop Go 3 for $10 and a Garmin Vivoactive 4 Sports Watch for $6.

          No word on the other deals, it just says register to the email to get clues when deals will come out

  • Do we have to be THE FASTEST to solve the riddle or ONE OF THE FASTEST PEOPLE?

    • From faqs: 5. Answers will be ranked by accuracy first and speed second.

      • +1

        yes so just top 8 fastest (and also accurate) from the 20,000 or so participating i guess

        • Do we know for sure how many of each item are available?

  • Does anyone know when you will receive a text if you are successful?
    Is it quickly?

    • not exactly - Please note, it may take until 11:59pm (AEDT) Monday 15 November for all text messages to be sent.

      • Cheers.
        Let me know if anyone gets a text letting them know. Would be curious

  • I entered the wrong answer
    Can i still participate in the next offer?

  • Trying to add a phone number to my profile but it doesn't seem to save - when I go back in it has vanished. Hope this doesn't affect my deal chances

    • +1

      It asks for one in the popup itself.

  • Just popped up

  • +2

    Hopefully the answer was 6?

  • Such a vague question! Do they mean the resellers, or the brands that are being resold?

    • I panicked and just put 1 in literally 5 seconds lol.
      I dont personally feel its legit but would be VERY happy to be proven wrong by someone

    • +1

      I went with how many brands are on their brands page - click 'shop by Brand'. An also assuming the question is asking how many brands start with one of the following letters: M, A, I, or N. Also some alphabetisers may argue that The Athlete's Foot and The Iconic may be included, but as the website has them under T for The I'm guessed not. What a nerve-wracking 10 seconds that was though!

      • Wait, why would 'T' be included?

        • Some places don't count the 'The' - e.g. in a record store you'll find The Ramones under R. But doubt that was the case here.

      • Frustrating because the brands page never loaded for me 2+ hours ago and I figured it was broken(tried on chrome and edge) and then it gets used as a Q but good luck to those who entered.

        The Athletes Foot/The Iconic are the actual names so they won't be part of it, likely 6 was the correct answer

        • The Shop by Category page is broken for me - nothing happens when I click on that

  • +1

    For future deals, we can maybe expect:

    More questions on the Brands involved: familiarise yourself with this page:

    First question was an anagram of a brand, second was counting how many start with certain letters.

    First deal appeared ~ 45min mark, second deal at ~ 53min mark.

    • +1

      They have asked all kinds of random questions on the australian page in the past, how many people are currently on the webpage/how many daily visitors etc. Whats our instagram handle, someone else said they did an instagram live video where they asked multiple questions before then finally asking the actual questionn.

  • Does anyone know if the notice for the deals is given from the emails or they can also appear out of the blue? wanting to get some sleep

  • The website in general loads quite slow for me, exaggerated when there is a timer ticking.
    I didn't get the Nutri bullet one but got the Xbox and messed it up by typing 5. It had already been released for 4 minutes when I saw it so even if I got it right it's probably going to be gone in the first minute.

    I need to figure out how to set a sound alert for when the notification happens.
    Still haven't gotten the info of tomorrows drop times.

  • When should we expect a new set of 99% off times?

    • They should announce the next deals in advance via their emails, or maybe on their social media. I'm guessing their NZ operation is managed by the same Oz team, so I'd guess we won't see anything before 11am given the time difference.

  • Anyone seen any more popups?

    • Given up.. surely they should have not done first to answer, but a random selection of people in the first 5 minutes of submitting the correct answer.
      All it would take would be to look away for 1 minute and you wasting your time.

  • +5


    GALAXY S21 9-10PM


  • Anyone won anything yet?

    • They will notify people as late as the 15th so it will be all over before people find out.

  • live. Panicked and wrote 38%. Should've answered with $19

    • Same here. When I want back to it the actual website says save $19

    Breville Luxe 2 Slice Toaster
    How much can I save on a Maori Rock Carving Scenic Cruise during the Click Frenzy Main Event?

    Answer 38%

    • Or is it the dollar figure

      • That's the fun of it I guess, no one knows.

  • +1

    I actually appreciate that they spaced out the deals. Saves me from sitting in the same spot for 2 hours straight

  • I just don't get how this works? Do I log in and wait for the $11 mobile to pop up?

    • +2

      Yes. Wait for the pop-up to appear and answer the question. Hopefully you answer it correctly and quickly. As above, make sure you refresh the page at various times to ensure that you're still logged in.

    • Wondering the same here.

  • Question is up but there is no instagram live happening..

  • When you don't have Instagram 😥

    • +1
    • license benz car or something stupid. i put fire truck in panic haha

      • yeah its such a silly promo but also shows how few people were following the livestream, someone here might have got lucky.

    • Thankfully I got my wife to load it up for me on her phone

  • so what wins, ride on car, electic car or did we need to say black benz ride on? hmmm

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