Spot Cleaner Recommendations??

Our kids are absolutely dead set on destroying our carpet, so our hunt is on to find the best value and bang for buck spot cleaner.

At the moment we have the bissell spot cleaners on our wish list but finding a good deal on them seems quite hard, and no second hand options at the moment.

I'm looking to see if anyone on here has has experience with them or has any recommendations on spot cleaners and there's bonus points for a sharp deal. perhaps we will wait for boxing day.

Cheers cheepies


  • Not sure what exactly you need to clean, but we have had good results with the Cavalier Bremworth spray carpet cleaners from the supermarket. I think there are two - one for 'wet' and one for 'dry' marks.

    Might be worth a try, but if the marks have been there for a while, those products might not help. We usually use them within a short while of the carpets having been hit by the kids :-)


  • +2

    Best purchase ever was the Ozito wet and dry vacuum from Bunnings. I have owned a couple and they have both paid for themselves many, many times over. Whatever carpet cleaning product you buy, you can use this to suck it up. Don't forget a pair of ear muffs though, it's quite loud.

    Aside from countless carpet stains, I've also used it for:
    - Vacuuming the garage (wife doesn't like it when I use the main one)
    - Cleaning upholstery
    - Cleaning up a big bowl of pancake mix that spilt in the car (don't ask)
    - Sucking out water from a drain our plumber was repairing
    - Sucking up a bucket of water that ended up on the carpet
    - Unblocking drains
    - Blowing leaves off the driveway
    - The list goes on. So do the messes.

  • +2

    Bissell Little Green has been a favourite overseas but we’ve struggled getting our hands on one.
    Ended up getting Bissell spot clean pro for 229 a couple years back.
    It’s been good and helped de-gross a couch (took forever) but honestly haven’t used it a lot.
    The little ones never carry their plates to the kitchen upside down these days anyway. Almost never.

  • +1

    Not sure if you can get them anymore but I've been using a pet vaxx wet and dry vacuum for about 8 years now.

    We have 3 dogs, a cat, plus now a baby too so it's been great for accidents of all varieties.

    Husband accidentally tipped over a bucket of smelly fish guts in his car once and this was what got the smell out.

    • I'm amazed ANYTHING got the smell out - good effort!

  • We have orange version of…
    Works well for cleaning up pet messes. Vomit, diarrhea and pee. Works well on carpet, but doesn't work as well on a tightly woven rug we have. Doesn't seem to suck up everything so have to blot dry with an old towel.
    Can't seem to find the orange one anymore.

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