• expired

Black Friday PlayStation Sale (Various Stores - See Table)


Around this time each year, Sony runs a PlayStation sale, marking down all first party software. A couple of deals have already been posted individually, but this post captures every adjusted price across all the major retailers, which lets you find the best deal for yourself (depending if you can pick up etc).
"Go to Deal" button just links to JB HiFi as I wasn't sure what to put in it in this case, and JB generally has the cheapest prices. Will update if I see prices further adjust (or mistakes are pointed out in the comments).

Edit: Bolded the best prices.
Edit2: Can also check this link(pricespy.co.nz) for all Black Friday gaming price drops, though PriceSpy doesn't cover all of the stores below so best to check both - thanks Huntakillaz
Edit3: JBHiFi changed their controller prices down to $89

Name MightyApe Harvey Norman Noel Leeming Sony Store JB HiFi Warehouse EB Games EB Games Preowned
PS4 Astro Bot: Rescue Mission (VR) $34.95 $28.00
PS4 Blood & Truth (VR) $28.00
PS4 Bloodborne $19.95
PS4 Concrete Genie $28.00 $35.00
PS4 Days Gone $34.00 $54.95 $28.00 $29.00 $35.00 $28.00
PS4 Death Stranding $48.00 $54.95 $44.00 $49.00 $47.00
PS4 Detroit Become Human $28.00 $35.00 $35.00 $28.00
PS4 Dreams $28.00 $35.00 $35.00
PS4 Everybody's Golf $28.00
PS4 Firewall Zero Hour $23.00
PS4 Ghost of Tsushima $44.00 $49.00 $57.00 $47.00
PS4 Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut $74.00 $79.00 $88.00
PS4 God of War $19.00 $19.00 $15.00 $19.00 $20.00 $15.00
PS4 God of War 3 Remastered $19.95 $15.00 $19.00
PS4 Gran Turismo Sport $19.00 $19.00 $20.00 $15.00
PS4 Helldivers Super-Earth Ultimate Edition $24.00
PS4 Horizon Zero Dawn $15.00
PS4 Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition $19.00 $19.00 $19.95 $15.00 $19.00 $20.00 $15.00
PS4 inFamous Second Son $19.00 $19.95 $15.00
PS4 Iron Man VR $44.00 $49.00 $20.00 $15.00
PS4 Killzone Shadow Fall $19.95 $15.00
PS4 Little Big Planet 3 $19.95 $15.00 $19.00
PS4 MediEvil $29.00 $28.00 $39.00 $27.50 $23.00
PS4 Nioh $19.95 $15.00
PS4 Nioh 2 $28.00 $35.00 $35.00 $28.00
PS4 No Mans Sky $23.00
PS4 No Mans Sky Beyond $24.00 $27.50 $23.00
PS4 PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds $34.00 $15.00
PS4 Predator: Hunting Grounds $28.00 $35.00
PS4 Ratchet & Clank $19.00 $19.00 $19.95 $15.00 $19.00 $20.00 $15.00
PS4 Sackboy A Big Adventure $68.00 $64.00 $69.00 $68.00 $57.00
PS4 Spider-Man $29.00 $28.00 $29.00 $35.00 $28.00
PS4 Spider-Man: Miles Morales $68.00 $64.00 $69.00 $68.00 $57.00
PS4 The Last of Us Part II $29.00 $28.00 $35.00 $28.00
PS4 The Last of Us Remastered $19.00 $19.95 $15.00 $20.00 $15.00
PS4 Uncharted 4 $19.00
PS4 Uncharted The Lost Legacy $15.00
PS4 Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection $19.00 $19.95 $15.00 $19.00 $20.00 $15.00
PS4 Until Dawn $15.00
PS5 Death Stranding Directors Cut $64.00 $64.00 $69.00 $68.00
PS5 Demons Souls $88.00 $74.00 $79.00 $88.00 $77.00
PS5 Destruction All Stars $24.00 $29.00
PS5 Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut $88.00 $89.00 $99.00 $108.00
PS5 PlayStation 5 DualSense Wireless Controller $94.00 $89.00 $112.45 $89.00 $89.00 $108.00 $99.00
PS5 PlayStation 5 DualSense Wireless Controller Cosmic Red $99.00 $99.00 $116.95 $89.00 $99.00 $108.00
PS5 PlayStation 5 DualSense Wireless Controller Midnight Black $94.00 $89.00 $112.45 $89.00 $89.00 $108.00
PS5 PlayStation 5 HD Camera $88.00
PS5 PlayStation 5 Pulse 3D Wireless Gaming Headset $149.00
PS5 PS5 Media Remote $44.00
PS5 Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart $78.00 $74.00 $79.00 $88.00 $77.00
PS5 Returnal $85.00 $89.00 $99.00 $108.00 $99.00
PS5 Sackboy A Big Adventure $68.00 $64.00 $69.00 $68.00
PS5 Spider-Man Miles Morales Ultimate Edition $88.00 $89.00 $99.00 $108.00
PS5 Spider-Man Miles Morales $68.00 $64.00 $69.00 $55.00 $49.00
PS5 The Nioh Collection $74.00 $79.00 $88.00 $77.00
PSN PlayStation Plus 12 Month Membership $59.99 $59.95 $59.95 $60.27
This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals.

Related Stores

JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi
EB Games
EB Games
Harvey Norman NZ
Harvey Norman NZ
Mighty Ape
Mighty Ape

closed Comments

  • +1

    how long did it take to make the table? lol

  • If there was an award for effort alone posting a deal this would win by a fair way. Well done.

    Picking up the ps sub for 59 thats prett bloody good value. Tempted with Demons souls for $74

    • You should see some of the Amazon posts over at OzBargain. Must've taken a good hour to create. Or even old mate beatthatflight

      Nice post OP.

  • What a post! Thanks to OP :)
    Any recommendations for what I should scoop out of the ones in the list?

    • I've just finished Days Gone and loved it - note though it's free for PS5 users at present.

      It's the first game in years I've actually highly enjoyed (been gaming since the Amiga 500, and seem to find it hard to find games I enjoy enough to sink my time into these days).

      • Yeah loved playing Days Gone as well, and have reset the horde mode several times so plenty of replayability.

  • +4

    I don't care at all for playstation games, but take my upvote for the effort. Nice

    • same! this is awesome

  • 11/10 for effort! Good shit there OP

  •   👏

  • +1

    PS5 digital owners and those that like digital games from the PSN store:

    Here is the list of games that will go on their Black Friday sale (no prices given yet): https://blog.playstation.com/2021/11/18/playstations-black-f…

    When this sale is live you should be able to view it here: https://store.playstation.com/en-nz/pages/deals

  • That PSN sub, anyone knows how long is the digital download valid for? Ours will be due to be renewed at 12th Jan 2022 - was thinking to buy it now and then apply it on the 11th Jan or so. Or can I apply it now and then it would extend the sub until 12th Jan 2023? TIA.

    • 99.99999% sure it's stackable :)

    • You can renew the code now, it stacks/extends up to 15 years ;) : https://www.reddit.com/r/PlayStationPlus/comments/ouzxug/the…

      • Does that mean i can buy 5 of these to extend my subscription for next 5yrs??

        • +1

          Yup. I jumped on a deal like this and I'm halfway through 3 years worth of subscription.

    • warehouse says: Online out of stock :(

      • Still available at JB's. Just bought one. Thanks for the clarification, all.

  • +1

    Some games might be cheaper on Amazon AU too. Some examples:

    PS4 Ghost of Tsushima AU$38.06 delivered
    PS4 Death Stranding AU$38.06 delivered

  • +2

    Not a PS user but also commenting to say you get my upvote for efforts rendered! Good shit.

  • +1

    it seems like JB Hifi have increased price for some of the games:
    In the OP's post was $28, now it's up to $49………

    • Thanks for pointing that out :) I checked a bunch of others and they seem to still be OK, would have checked them all but it started giving me access denied errors! guess I opened too many links too quickly.

      • All good - thanks for that! Might just give it a go to ask for price match against other online retailers on JB in-store :)

  • +3

    If I could upvote this more than once for your effort I would! Thanks OP 😁

    • +2

      I added an upvote on your behalf.

  • Heard good things about read dead 2 but it never comes on sale. I guess my best bet would be amazon au for it

    • Red dead redemption 2 is regularly on sale on the psn store these days. I think it was like 60% off a couple of weeks ago.

  • thanks for posting i have some giftcard i can now spend

  • +1

    PS5 Demon Souls AU$55.84 delivered(amazon.com.au)

    • +2

      Shame there's no way to easily collaborate! I'd like to add all the amazon AU deals but don't have time for that myself.

      • +1

        That’s not a bad idea. Be able to give someone else access to your post besides a mod.

        I imagine more Amazon deals will pop-up throughout the weekend. Demon Souls wasn’t at that price this morning (I think) but then I saw a post about it on OzBargain 30 min ago.

    • +1

      You can ask NZ retailers to price match (have had success from MA and the warehouse with amazon AU before). Bezos aint getting any money out of me if I can help it.

      • I tried warehouse price match amazon au, they said no they cant

  • The PSN Playstation Store digital sale is now up, don't yet have a link to deal page with everything but the prices have been updated so check your wishlists. A few highlights from a first glance:

    Resident Evil Village $51.57 : https://store.playstation.com/en-nz/product/EP0102-PPSA01557…
    Deathloop $59.97 : https://store.playstation.com/en-nz/product/EP1003-PPSA01670…
    Demon's Souls $86.76 : https://store.playstation.com/en-nz/product/EP9000-PPSA01341…
    Hades $34.36 : https://store.playstation.com/en-nz/product/EP4484-PPSA03711…
    Marvel's Avengers $35.98 : https://store.playstation.com/en-nz/product/EP0082-PPSA01632…
    Tony Hawk 1+2 Cross Gen $47.47 : https://store.playstation.com/en-nz/product/EP0002-PPSA02177…

    Lots of other games roughly the same price as the physical editions above, maybe a few $ more

  • +2

    PS4 God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition, Littlebigplanet 3 AU$9 ea. + delivery.(amazon.com.au)

  • Hey guys would you recommend the following deal with Elden Ring? How long does it take for items to arrive from amazon.au?

    • Around a week

  • No xbox love? :(

    • Xbox owners still buy games when there's Game Pass? j/k

      Playstation has coordinated discounts for their hardware and first party software across retailers and digital for some sales events (Black Friday, Days of Play…) where it makes sense to compile a big table like this.

      XB it's not as coordinated, and I'm guessing OP is not an Xbox user. Feel free to make your own post for Xbox I guess?

      • Yeh, I don't buy hardcopies anymore, but once in while if price is right, I pick em up. And u r right abt game pass. Though mi e expire in a day.

  • +1

    Amazon Black Friday deals are up, as usual amazon prices smash the rest. A few of note below

    The Last of Us Part 2 - PlayStation 4 $19.00
    God Of War 3 Remastered - PlayStation 4 $12.00
    Gran Turismo Sport - PlayStation 4 $9.00
    Nioh 2 - PlayStation 4 $19.00
    Marvel's Spider-Man - PlayStation 4 $19.00
    Medievil - PlayStation 4 $19.00
    Ghost of Tsushima - PlayStation 4 $32.00

  • Got TWH to price beat JB for PS5 Sackboy and got the price down to $57.6. Sadly, didn't have a spare $5 off $50 voucher to spare…

  • PB Tech coming through with some $10 games


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