I am divided between either buying a chromebook or ipad or tablet for school use. Sole purpose for primary school use for my daughter. She just started school. I had a spare surface pro which she was using, but it is having touch issues so need to buy something touch friendly.
Looking at some recommendations please.
I am inclined to get a chromebook rather than a tablet or ipad. Budget seems to be around $500 so ipad feels bit expensive, but open for suggestions.
Looking at this currently.
You may disagree, but I think that touch on a Chromebook is unnecessary. Buy a mouse and mouse pad along with a rugged non-touch Chromebook and case and it should last at least a couple of years. We've done that for a couple of our kids in primary.
Asus have a good rugged one: https://www.pbtech.co.nz/product/NBKASU2040261Z/ASUS-C204MA-…
Or you could go the iPad route, but yes, you'll probably spend a lot more.