Any good electric toothbrushes - possibly cheap ones from Aliexpress?

Was tempted by the kogan sonicare one but its probbably something from aliexpress anyway. Anyone got good recommendations and if they're even worth the money compared to manual one? I got me some crooked teeth so would be good if its even better for that

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  • +2

    Have a look at

    They are available on Ali

    • Cheers, lots of choices here, any recommendations?

  • +1

    What's your ideal price-range?

    • I'd like to keep it under $50 honestly, so some of those higher end Oral B ones are out of the question. I see some of the cheaper ones go on sale quite often

  • How about MI one. It does have good reviews on pbtech. Might be able to get cheaper at Ali.…

    • I was just looking at that on Aliexpress, cheers

  • I swear by oclean

    • Lots of models available on their website, which one are you using and what would be the major differences between them?

      • not alot of real world difference i imagine. there are some charts of the models around the place. battery capacity, oscilation speed, oled display - those are a few of the main differences.

        I think the model i have is a Z1 which i paid around $40 for. the factory heads are pretty solid and seem to just keep their shape indefinitly- something that all toothbrush manufactures probably could implement if it was in their interests….

  • Ok, so I've always been a bit skeptical of the value of electric toothbrushes. I have pretty good teeth, not 100%, but they should last me until I cark it. I've always had the dirt-cheapest toothbrushes you can buy (within reason, some are truly horrible), my dentist recommended always using soft so I have done so for years now.

    I actually wouldn't mind an electric one if they were cheap(-ish), lasted for years and the heads were comparable in price to el-cheapos I already buy (I mean, a new head has to be 1/3 the plastic of a full brush, surely?)

    So apart from the buzzy feel-good factor, is there any financial or health benefit to using one, or is there one that even comes close to the price of a dollar-odd toothbrush every couple of months??

    From one Cheapie to another - please convince me that getting one is worth it.

    • Well if you are trying to compare price-wise with manual brush then electric one is not for you. There is no way you can find a dollar electric brush unless it's a price error, so good luck convincing yourself to get an electric over manual.

      • I'm not against spending a bit of money on the toothbrush base. Again, if it's going to last me a few years then it's probably less than $1 per month. It's the price of the heads that kills it for me: RRP for many of the recommended brands is in the range of $4-12 per head in packs of 2-4! Am I missing something?

        Often good entry level bases are on special for ~$30, eg. this OralB(, which would be ok if heads were consistently <$1 each. Maybe that plus cheap heads from AliExpress would do it? Are the cheap heads any good? I don't know if I trust putting something acquired dirt cheap from AliExpress in my mouth though…

        EDIT: I might also add that we have a large family so if I get one I know the wife and kids will give me an earful until they get one too. And there will be no easy path back to manual ones 😁. So it's a question potentially worth >$200/year for me.

        • Once you start using an electric toothbrush you will realise that manual toothbrushes do a very poor job.
          You can get generic toothbrush heads that are just as good as genuine ones for about $1. And they last way longer than a manual toothbrush, closer to 6 months than 3.

          • +1

            @elbrownos: Interesting, thanks. I would counter that perhaps the manual toothbrush operator is often the problem, not the brush itself. There's no reason why a manual brush can't achieve the same level of clean if you brush well, regularly and for long enough. I might also add that (particularly being on unchlorinated tank water and not using anti-bac toothpaste) stretching a toothbrush's life out to 6 months might be an a good demonstration of biological growth for the kids, but not good for their health :D

            But I would be interested in recommendations for generic heads for $1 - where do you get your generics from?

    • I mentioned in the comments below that I got a Soocas (another Mi brand brush) during aliexpress's 11.11 sale.

      Not been using long enough to verify long-term benefits, and I'm naughty in not seeing a dentist regularly, but in the 2ish weeks I've used it, teeth do immediately seem whiter, feel cleaner, and I'm certain I'm brushing longer than when I was using a manual one before.

      Base was $35ish NZD with 1 head. Replacement heads I got seperatly at 2 for $4.5. With a larger family and if you're happy to share the base, you can always buy more heads at a time to make it more economical. I'm also probably a bit naughty with not changing toothbrushes/heads until I notice bent bristles, you're not meant to use pressure when using electric, so I suspect the elec heads will last longer than manual brushes for me.

      Overall I expect the elec one to end up being about 3x the cost of the cheapest and most basic manual brushes. But going from something that costs me maybe $1 per month to $3 per month is probably a little luxury that I'm not too worried to spend on.

  • I got the Mi Soocas recently during the 11.11 sale. I just didn't see any real benefit of Oclean over Soocas to justify the price difference, and Soocas has more different attachments available (should you want to use it as a sonic dental pick or as a sonic face brush).

    Also keep in mind that Mi products are often region dependent, I wasn't able to bind my soocas with the soocas or mi home apps to create custom brushing, as NZ wasn't even an option for the countries list when signing up. Since the Oclean's biggest difference seems to be the smart functions and app, if it's the same story there, and it might not work properly in NZ then what's the point of paying more?

    Note how poorly the soocas, the oclean and the mi apps rate in the play store - double the price is a lot to pay for features that might or might not work.

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