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Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE LTE 12.4 Inch 5G (64GB/ 4GB RAM) $584.1 Incl Shipping @TheMarket


Current selling $1,068 at PBTech (they'll do discounts later as well I think).

It's even cheaper than my AIA Samgsung EPP so I thought it's a good deal.

It comes with the SPen as well make it a good productivity tool.


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closed Comments

  • IMO, 4GB RAM is not really worthwhile. It's actually considered low spec by today's standards and even my phone has 8GB RAM now. My old phone with 4GB RAM just feels laggy when I have multiple apps open. I even ran a custom rom and optimize the crap out of it and sure it performed a lot better compared to stock rom, but it still doesn't perform as well as a phone with 6GB or 8GB RAM. It's not a CPU issue either, it's purely a memory issue once you have multiple apps running in background. Apps get closed in the background automatically (not force closed and not a crash) due to having very little memory. Most of the memory is eaten up by Android System, which you can't do anything about (unless you use a custom kernel and custom rom with better memory management, but again there are limits with how much improvement you can make).

    I would recommend holding out for the Xiaomi Mipad 5:


    I own the Mipad 4 and it is fantastic, runs well with custom roms too. Xiaomi Mipad is just much better compared to Samsung Galaxy Tab and is cheaper as well (if we're comparing RRP price). Apart from my Mipad 4 having a screen size of around 7', it was one of the best tablets that came out during the time with 6GB of RAM and 64GB of storage (+ expandable memory card). I bought it 3.5 years ago at $300. This Galaxy Tab released in 2021 at this discounted price is still almost twice what I paid for and the specs ain't all that great either. It's just embarrassing tbh.

    Once Mipad 5 goes global and it goes on sale, it should be a lot of bang for your buck.

    • How is the pen support though?
      Seems like Samsung and Apple really have this area of the tablet market pretty well locked down unless I'm mistaken.

      • Not sure about pen support, I personally don't use any apps that require a pen. I also have a Surface Book and a Surface Pen and I could just use that if I really need or want to.

        I imagine that drawing or photoshop related apps would be better with a pen, but then again I'd probably want to use a full desktop OS like Windows for that. Sure, there are drawing apps for Android, but I think they are quite minimalistic and probably costs like $20 per app or something, or require in-app purchases and that's just not worth it. Can easily just run those apps on Windows and there are plenty of free drawing apps on Windows, including ones that you can make "free" if you know what I'm saying. The drawing apps on iOS might be better though (compared to Android), as iOS and MacOS are sort of becoming a blurred line with such tight integration.

        I would agree that Apple has dominated the tablet market, but I wouldn't necessarily say the same for Samsung. Don't get me wrong, Samsung has some pretty good products, but they're no longer the top Android manufacturer. The #1 Android manufacturer spot has been taken by Xiaomi for quite some time already.

        I've used my fair share of Samsung devices and Xiaomi devices and I prefer Xiaomi overall. Battery life on Xiaomi devices is just much better and the hardware specs is usually really good and much better bang for your buck. If you ever get into custom rom and modding, the community for Xiaomi is just much bigger.

        At the end of the day, it's just personal preference. I personally think that the hardware specs on most Xiaomi devices is good and the price is reasonable, even before it goes on sale. Whereas other players rely on having a "discount" to attract customers. But think about it, would you actually spend $1000 RRP on this Samsung tablet? 4GB RAM? Come on. With this money, you could buy a Surface Book 2 with 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD and a keyboard + Surface Pen for $900 on TM. Sure it's 2nd hand, but still. I think it's much smarter to spend money on good specs that will last you for years, than to spend money on a product that will probably depreciate and become obsolete in 1 year's time.

    • The Mi Pad 5 is on The Market with mobicity for $720.14 with "TheMarket10" code will bring it down to - $648.13. Almost $50 cheaper than Expansys.

      • Yeah I never said it's cheaper to buy from Expansys. Just posted the links so people have an idea of the RRP price difference and also compare the specs.

        • Yeah i was just giving heads up to others since it was available on the market as well.

      • Have you got a link to this, I can't find it anywhere, thanks

      • Would this have Google play store?

        • you can install it from the xiaomi app store. however better to wait for the global version as the cn firmware usually has lots of irritating cn only apps and configurations. i had a cn version of one of their phones and it was very irritating after a while.

          • -1

            @sigma: Not true. Most of the time, there is actually no difference between Chinese and Global version of the phone. The only difference is the ROM (firmware) that they ship with. You can install Global ROM or Chinese ROM on either variants.

            For example, the Redmi K20 Pro (China) and Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro (Global) are the exact same phone. You can simply install a Global ROM on the Redmi K20 Pro and it'll be exactly the same.

            Here's another example. I have the Redmi K20 Premium Edition (better than K20 Pro / 9T Pro) and this is only available in China. I can also install a Global ROM on this phone and I can even install the Global ROM for K20 Pro on my Premium Edition. The hardware specs between a K20 Pro and Premium Edition is slightly different, but the underlying ROM is still pretty much the same and there are no issues with the ROM. If the ROM is not compatible, it wouldn't even let you install it in Android recovery. Of course, you can always install custom ROMs. Therefore, it's almost always better to just buy a Chinese variant, because they are cheaper on Aliexpress.

            Even if I have a phone purchased from PB Tech in NZ, I can very easily install a Chinese ROM, which is not unsual because usually the Chinese version of MIUI is newer and has more beta updates.

      • $541.89 delivered from Aliexpress if you use code FYAFF24 and claim the $14.96 store coupon.


        • Code not valid anymore :(

          • @NovaAlpha: Bugger. I spotted this deal over at OzBargain.(ozbargain.com.au)
            Hopefully there are more like it in the near future.

            • @Wakrak: Yeah maybe New Years deal perhaps. At that price it is really cheap.

        • Looks like there are still other coupons that are valid:

          However, I struggle to calculate how it was $541.89 delivered? With just the $14.96 store coupon applied, it is currently $669.19 NZD for me:

          The FYAFF24 code only gives $24 USD ($35 NZD) off (according to the link above). From $669.19 discounted to $541.89 seems a bit crazy?

          • @NovaAlpha: OK, used Honey extension for Firefox (also available for Chrome) and it found a bunch of new codes for me. Use this code 12DEC16 to get $23.93 off, which brings down the total to $641.67. Just to clarify, the model I got is the non-Pro, 6GB RAM + 256GB storage model. At this price, it's really good considering the specs and the CPU it has with 120hz screen.


            • @NovaAlpha: Damn it, just realized that there's another code for ~$36 off and that is this one - 12PRMS25

          • @NovaAlpha: The 128gb was $522 (can still see the price on the image at Aliexpress), but then tax pushed it up to $590ish. Those two coupons bought it down to $541 approx.

            • @Wakrak: Ahh OK. I think the 256GB model that I got is worth it then, as it's just $70 more for double the storage and it doesn't come with a microSD expansion slot.

      • Actually, I just double checked and it is not cheaper on The Market. There is a Pro and non-Pro version. The one on The Market is non-Pro and is more expensive and less storage compared to Expansys:


    • I am Mi boy too. Mi products are pretty awesome.

  • @blacksheep, that is cheaper than Samsung EPP. Should I go for the one in this post or the Xiaomi pad 5 mentioned in comments.

    • The spec for Xiaomi is always way better (CPU, RAM, ROM), if you looking for gaming etc, I'll go with the Xiaomi.
      However, with this price point, I'll go with IPad.

      S7 Lte is great if you need SPen, Dex and portable LTE, it's cheaper than Xiaomi and Ipad and with Microsd, but doesn't make sense to use it for gaming etc.

      I had go with the Fold3 so I don't need to double install Apps and it's 12/512 so gaming etc is perfect (however, it's bit expensive).

    • It really depends on how you use it. For gaming and stand-alone use, MiPad is fine, iPad might be even better. For productivity or even laptop replacement, Xiaomi falls short on many features, e.g. no HDMI output, a WIP desktop mode v.s. properly developed dex mode, etc. For the same reason.

  • -2

    Get Mi Pad or Lenovo P11/P12 Pro instead way better specs

    • +2

      No pen, microsd card support for those. Also Samsung ecosystem is actually pretty good (like you can actually receive calls from those devices).

      • Actually, MiPad 4 supports microSD, but it seems that this support is dropped in MiPad 5.

        Depends what tablets people want I guess. Mipad 4 is 7' but good enough to use for travelling and reading on a bigger screen and light/small to carry. The specs is still good even in 2021, I still use it heaps. I think the whole point of having a 7' tablet is for light use reading and browsing and watching videos. Whereas if you need something like 10', may as well just get something like a Surface Pro or Surface Book or even an iPad (can get those cheap and they are great).

        • yep, I got fold3 for my daily browsing (7inch phone, lol) and surface for meetings etc (gen 3, but still useable).
          Samsung tablet is a bit expensive with the RRP, so there're lots of rooms for discounts (I think there will be further discount for this one too).

      • But you do look a bit silly walking around supermarket with it to your ear.

  • +1

    Tbh the S7+ is so much better in every way. I'd rather save up for that but good find

  • Android tablets are awkwardly positioned in the market. The OS is immature compare with iOS or Android phones. For the same price, iPads actually outperform (either in performance or features) Android tablets. In terms of productivity, Surface or Chrome OS tablets trash Android tablets, not to mention all of them have a support period that is at least double that for Android tablets. A mid-range Chrome OS 2-in-1 with an ARM processor, 4GB+ RAM and UFS storage will basically kill every Android tablet.

  • This model no 5g only 4g

  • Kinda off topic but is themarket reputable (I take it that the products are sold by major retailers)? I've been out of the country for the past 10 years and am helping family find a new tv.

    • Themarket is another Trademe. So it is reliable based on who the seller is, but in most cases it should be fine.

      In case if you are looking for TV, I would recommend going in-store and asking for deals/price match will get you more discounts sometime. Boxing day is just around the corner. Do your research and find out the best model for you and the closest price you intent to pay.

      • You can search for tv's on here and see recent prices/deals that you could get them for to help gauge if you're getting a deal or not

  • Thanks OP for listing this deal. I bought this on Thursday morning as soon as I found your post. With the discount code it made the S7FE WiFi model a great deal as it has a better 778G chip than the LTE model that carries the 750G chip. Plus free shipping with VF member perks. Will look forward to using this! 😊

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