Fly Buys - 300 Points Disney+ Deal
Did anyone get their points from this deal? I signed up then cancelled so wondered if that is why I did not get them. Interested to hear.
Fly Buys - 300 Points Disney+ Deal
Did anyone get their points from this deal? I signed up then cancelled so wondered if that is why I did not get them. Interested to hear.
Thanks mate I will give it a shot. I was using Brave when I signed up so wonder if a tracking Cookie wasn't stored to process the deal.
I don't think they are that high tech…haha, just screwed up the group who rushed to sign up on the first couple of days. They will ask you to provide some details and the points will automagically appear….haha
Yup, got mine about 2 weeks into the month
I got it 5 days ago after I called and started an "investigation". They appear to know more about the issue now.
They had to "manually" add the points and in the end gave me 320; 20 extra as an apology.
same here. emailed twice and went nowhere… then last week 320 points just appeared out of nowhere.
Yeah, it pays to wait sometimes, because there will be enough people telling them something is wrong and they finally have enough data to prove it…haha, I wasn't expecting the extra 20 points though, now I can virtually fill up 50L for free!
I just called Flybuys and they said they are launching an investigation - we'll see how this goes
I think it's what they do then ask u a bunch of things like the day u got it
Yes, they just asked me:
- The day I signed up (and to forward the welcome email to their servicecentre email)
- Whether I signed up using the same email address as my flybuys account
- Sign up through the email promotion, flybuys app, or facebook ads?
That's it I had the same and got mine in the end which gave me time to set my flybuys to fuel savings
@dealhunters: Mine was just after Xmas however I have been contacting them non stop ever since it ended.I had given heaps of run arounds for getting it but after they said they would investigate it was 1 week and half mostly due to xmas
Update: called today at 10am and just received 320 points!
I got mine yesterday. They gave me extra 20 points for the inconvenience due to delay.
I emailed them about a week ago regarding mine, I've had a follow up email requesting more info and saying they're looking into it but still waiting for the points to show.
Just happened to see this post. Emailed them before Christmas as also noticed it was missing - they replied and said the person who does this is on leave till the 10th - ha, so its a person rather than a system. They also asked me the details as above which I sent yesterday - They have replied - but I noticed I have also just had 320 points appear. (300 + then another 20)
So all good, wonder how many thou wont think to follow up.
Wish I hadn't received it in 1st place. Would have been good to have that extra 20 points haha…
Has a similar experience, received 320 points as an apology.
Really good service from Fly Buys, their team gave helpful information and were transparent about the problem. They never ignored any emails. Pretty impressed in the end!
Ya Same got +20 as apologies after I contacted them on Facebook
Had previously emailed and got my 320 points today.
It was only then I checked the price of fuel, ouch!
$106 discount on my fuel today, couldn't get anymore in after 43L
Holllly - so did that use the entire 320 points? Is there a "max limit"
I just read their T&C - its up to 50L
All the same here, except that i got 350 Flybuys!!
Its going up! maybe we should have waited longer. Saying that - its good service I guess, but cynically, how many people did they not payout due to this "error" that are just going to forget or not bother. Surely they should be fixing them proactively not reactively.
Yeah true. I had completely forgotten about it, for reminded about it when I got a mail from Flybuys to use my points and it seemed quite less. Quite a few wouldn't even check.
Still no points, and no replies to my emails :(
Have you tried calling?
Yea been a bit lazy, will have to now.
I got mine, took about 10 days since this post
Only got mine in Feb (hadn't chased up earlier) and got 300 only :(
Nope. Have emailed at least three times and get the same "give us all your information (that they already have of course!) and we'll get back to you." And I even kept my sub.
Seems pretty poor given they are clearly well aware there is an issue. Seems like they are in danger of breaching the FTA if they don't sort it out.
If emailing does not help, you will have to call them. Another cheapie went thru the same thing but got things sorted by calling only.
Sounds like a lot of effort!
Get them to throw in some extra points for the trouble. See above comments.
I just used my second lot of discount today, both times I went through the process without issues, they sorted reasonably quickly after I provided all the details they asked for.
Get in touch with them, they will sort it out quickly. I signed up and cancelled before the first month ended, no problem, got my points eventually. But you can time when you get in touch with them (at your own risk), so you get to use the points when you need them. I waited till last week, because I don't want my points to expire in Dec/Jan (fuel discounts).