Hi All,
I need to purchase some external HDDs. Minimum size would be 6 TB, but happy to go bigger to get a lower cost per terabyte. I would consider SSDs, if the cost per terabyte is not significantly more than for HDDs (although I am betting it would be) and I need an enclosure for each drive, whereas most SSDs are drives only (not to say that I can't buy an enclosure separately, but I'd prefer not to have to do that as a preference). Latest report from BackBlaze(reviewgeek.com) is that HDDs may be just as reliable as SSDs too.
Also a strong preference for USB3.0 minimum (3.1 or 3.2 would be better, but not really a big deal).
Strong preference for purchasing from within NZ, and ideally somewhere in Auckland that I could collect from in person (never a fan of having hard drives sent via courier - call me old fashioned) and so much easier if there is a warranty issue.
Cheapest I found on PriceMe.co.nz (these are all Amazon, but I figure I might be able to price-match at a local store that I can walk into such as, say, PBTech, and actually negotiate with someone in person) are:
HDD — Seagate Game Drive Hub for Xbox One STGG8000400 8TB = $231.49 ($29 per TB)(priceme.co.nz)
HDD — Western Digital WDBWLG0100HBK-NESN 10TB = $308.26 ($31 per TB)(priceme.co.nz)
HDD — Western Digital WDBWLG0120HBK 12TB = $344.93 ($29 per TB)(priceme.co.nz)
HDD — Western Digital Elements Desktop WDBWLG0140HBK 14TB = $375.90 ($27 per TB)(priceme.co.nz)
HDD — Western Digital Easystore WDBCKA0140HBK 14TB = $418.36 ($30 per TB)(priceme.co.nz)
SSD — Western Digital Surveillance Purple 63PURZ 6TB = $287.38 ($48 per TB plus no enclosure)(priceme.co.nz)
The SSD is clearly more expensive (per TB) but if I can't price-match to Amazon, I would consider buying an SSD from them, and the price is not far off what local retailers are advertising as sticker price, plus no moving parts, so much less likely to be an issue if it gets bumped about by a courier.
If I exclude Amazon (might be hard to negotiate a price-match, even though I am a persuasive kinda guy):
HDD — Western Digital My Cloud Home BVXC0080HWT 8TB = $259.95 ($32 per TB)(priceme.co.nz)
PBTech appear to be around $50+ per TB for between 6TB and 16TB.
Computer lounge are a bit better:
HDD — Seagate Backup Plus 6TB Desk Hub Drive = $249 ($41.50 per TB)(computerlounge.co.nz)
HDD — Seagate Backup Plus 10TB Desk Hub Drive = $459 ($46 per TB)(computerlounge.co.nz)
If I was buying now, one of the above, it would be either the 6TB SSD from Amazon or the 6TB HDD from Computer Lounge - probably the latter would win with these raw numbers.
Does anyone know whether there is something special about the SeaGate that makes it only work with XBox One, or could I just as easily plug it into my Dell Server (say)?
Any comments on any of the above - any gotcha's that I might be missing?
Any better deals ($ per TB) you know of?
Interesting that last Apr 2021 appears, with hindsight, to have been the time to have bought HDDs.
External HDDs will be less reliable, slower and more fragile than SSDs. Sure, HDDs are pretty reliable these days, but that's not taking into account the portability of external enclosures. Anecdotally a couple of external drives I've had have lasted far less than I would have expected, and that's without any known drops or mishandling. Perhaps they overheated in the case? Maybe they got a jolt in my bag, or by the courier, or by a fumbling employee before I bought them that I wasn't aware of? Who knows. But you won't have those problems with SSD.