After posting some very cheap FFP2 masks a few days ago, we're now posting some very cheap P2s using promo code COVIDFREECHEAPIES.
These P2s are the PPETech P2 respirator. PPETech masks been discussed a fair bit on Ozbargain( - not to everyone's cup of tea, but they work and are certified. These masks are listed on the Australian Register of Therepeutic Goods( If you're as diligent as some of the commenters on the last deal, I've also uploaded a copy of the testing report( I was provided. And some other useful information here(
As per last time, a pricing comparison:
If you're on the fence, I've done a bit of a pricing comparison:
- P2 masks for $3.33/mask at Bunnings(, but they have a 2 item limit on this product, and not all stores have stock. Bunnings delivery is ~$7 vs $5.20.
- P2 masks cheaper by using the Mitre 10 price promise with the Bunnings website - $2.83/mask - but requires physically visiting a Mitre 10 store. Again, not in stock at all stores so check before you go.
- FFP2 masks per this deal for $2.54/mask
- P2 masks per this deal for $2.06/mask, if you can find any at Mitre 10 - looks like they're out of stock at most stores.
Note the listing says that the masks ship from Wellington the next working day - this will be true from Friday, but we have not yet taken delivery of the masks. They've made it as far as Wellington, but haven't quite reached us yet. So bear that in mind if you need masks in the next day or so.
Anyone who ordered these masks under the last deal and is still waiting on them arriving from Australia: if you haven't seen already, check your email - if you haven't yet cancelled your order, we're offering a partial refund so that you are not paying more than the price on offer now. We are not to blame for the shipping delay, but thought it might be a bit unfair to offer the same masks cheaper while yours are still a few days away.
The 3M 8205 like the ones at Bunnings are great.
The plastic clamshell packaging can be used to hold the mask so it doesn't get dirty when not being used.