This was posted 3 years 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

3 Months Free Power for Customers with a Newborn (Limited to 1,000 Contact Customers) @ Contact Energy


"It takes a lot of energy to raise a newborn. That’s why we created Fourth Trimester. We’re helping Kiwis with newborns by wiping the energy charges for three monthly bills in a row (applies to both estimated and actual usage bills as invoiced at the time, excludes bottled gas). It’s limited to 1,000 Contact customers, so get in quick."

We've just signed up - you have to be billed monthly (seems like a billing system limitation) but you can stop things like SmoothPay and then reactivate them after the 3 months is up (rather than the usual 12 month limit to reactivate).

You can be a new customer and get it, but there is a lag between applying to join and being able to apply for 4th trimester, so you run the risk of switching and having the promo finish before you can sign up.

Who can apply?

  • Fourth Trimester is available to residential Contact customers with up-to-date accounts, who have a newborn in the household, or one on the way.
  • You can apply up to three months before the due date, or within three months after your baby’s birth date.
  • You’ll need to provide relevant documentation, such as your baby’s birth certificate or letter from your GP or midwife, and an email address.
  • You need to be on a monthly billing cycle. Fourth Trimester is not available with certain billing and account types.
  • Fourth Trimester is limited to 1,000 customers and will be given on a first in, first served basis.
  • Please note, if you move house or leave Contact during the Fourth Trimester it won’t apply from the date that occurs so best not to apply if you’re planning to move house or leave.

Who’s not eligible?

  • PrePay, SmoothPay and ControlPay customers are not eligible for Fourth Trimester. However, if you’re on one of these payment options, you may be able to come off and then apply (subject to any credit check requirements). If you’re one of these customers, please give us a call on 0800 245 245 (please be aware our servicing levels are being impacted by Omicron right now).
  • Customers on collective, summary and multi-site billing arrangements are not eligible.
  • Customers who are in debt (those that have been sent a second credit reminder letter) are not eligible.

What’s covered in the three free months?

We will be wiping the energy charges (excluding bottled gas) for three monthly bills in a row while on Fourth Trimester. Please note, the monthly bills will follow the standard monthly billing cycle though there could be occasions where the bill is for less than 30 days. If this occurs while on the Fourth Trimester, we will apply an additional credit on a subsequent bill which will be based on your average daily usage.

All electricity and piped gas charges within the three-month period is free. This includes daily charges and levies. This applies to both estimated and actual bills with no credits given for any estimated read which is adjusted afterwards.

There’s more than one newborn in the house, can I apply more than once?

Sorry no, just one baby per household, per year. This includes situations where there are multiples in the household, for example twins or triplets.

Why limit it to 1,000 customers and how will they get chosen?

We’re initially trialling Fourth Trimester with 1,000 customers to ensure they have a great experience before we consider rolling it out to a wider number of deserving Kiwis.

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closed Comments

  • is contact energy any good compared to powershop? I've been on the fence because of their good nights plan.

    • We're on that plan and it's better for us than ElectricKiwi and Flick. We run the dishwasher and have showers after 9pm which maximises our power usage in the free window, so if you're using it well I think it could be better, but depends on your lifestyle/power usage.

      • yeah might give it a shot. what I don't like about powershop is that your monthly bill is masked behind buying separate powerpacks have to open up the monthly statement in the documents section of the app to get the actual monthly amount.

        • Same boat here, we were waiting until April 1 to see what Powershop's refreshed rates would be. These two deals have pushed us over the line though, fingers crossed we can both get it in time :D

    • Yea, amazingly good - with my Contact plan, ~46% of our monthly power bill is free because of this Good Nights plan! Make sure to use a Cheapies member's referral code when signing up, too.

    • Good if you don't need customer support (Their internet portal is quite useful), but pretty bad if you need to talk to someone.

      • How often are you talking to your power company ?

  • How many months contract? Early break fee?

  • Awesome. Approved within 15 minutes of applying

  • +2

    "You can be a new customer and get it, but there is a lag between applying to join and being able to apply for 4th trimester, so you run the risk of switching and having the promo finish before you can sign up."

    I just rung and tried to Sign up, as we do need to look to switch power , Gas and Internet but I was told over the phone this is a trial and only sent to 1000 contact customers, so keep this in mind if you are signing up to try and take advantage of this promo - as it may not apply. Just my experience on the phone.

    • yeah, we're in the same boat. Crossing my fingers we get in though.

      • +3

        Just a update - Signed up for a new account (open Term) with a "100NOWAIT" sign up code, got an account number in 5 mins via email, used that account number to sign up for the 4th trimester, and got approved in 10 mins - got the email to say Three Months of free Engry from Due date, Very Cool

        Thanks OP

        • +3

          If people want to do this - sign up using referral same $100 to you, but another cheapies member gets $100 also :)

        • Thanks Mikeynz, I didn't know I could use the account number already. Did the same just now. I hope we get in.

        • +1

          we got in! :D

  • Damn, we’re just out of the age range! This would have been so helpful. Very cool idea though

    • +1

      See below, they've given a $100 credit to others just outside

      • Thanks, will give it a go!

  • +3

    Right! Time to make a kid.

    • Well plenty do it without the free power. so why not.

  • +2

    I rung them yesterday about this as our due date falls only a few days outside of the 3 month period from yesterday. They would not extend the deal to us but did provide a $100 credit. So +1 to Contact on that.

  • you can get $100 credit via the referral code anyway? I guess that is only for new customer.

    Do note Contact had increased their rates (for low user by quite a lot).
    used to be daily 30 cents + variable 24.6c + GST for their free hour 3 night plan last year
    now is 29.1 cents +GST now an 18% increase now..

    Always worth noting the total you are paying not just looking at the discount.

    • It’s not just an increase for low users with Contact Energy.
      This is an industry wide change to remove low user pricing.
      There are several articles about it recently.
      Here’s one from Stuff(

      • thank you for the link. but it was meant to be increase in fixed charges and not variable charge to increase by 18% as well?

        In comparison the article note "One Meridian price change notice seen by Stuff showed the company was doubling the daily charge for that customer while also increasing Meridian’s own per-kilowatt energy charge by just over 1 per cent."

        Also it is also worth noting that..
        "the Government did not seek a guarantee from power companies that tariff changes would cancel out on aggregate."

        so needs to buy power company shares to offset some power price rises?

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