• expired

[PC, X1, XSX, PS4, PS5] Free to Play Weekend - Far Cry 6 @ Ubisoft, Epic & Console


Dive into the gritty world of a modern-day guerrilla revolution to liberate a nation from a dictator and his son.

Play the full version of Far Cry 6 for free from March 25th at 07:00 am to March 29th at 07:00 am (your local time)!

Start your download right now and be ready when servers open.

Once the free weekend is over your progression will be carried over if you purchase the game.

Credit: MyDealz(mydealz.de)

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closed Comments

  • Can you multiplayer this on Xbox One?

  • +1

    Finish Farcry 6 before the 29th at 7am huh?

    Challenge accepted.

    The weird thing is I like the Far cry games and usually buy them close to release, but this one didnt appeal for some reason. I would have eventually gotten it when cheap. Free works though.

    • …. Going to be more challenging than I though. PS4 download server must be getting hammered. Current estimate for complete download - 9 hours!

      • 3x faster than flight sim on PC

  • I can't seem to get this going on PC.

    Added to epic library.
    Connect Ubisoft account to epic.
    Get taken back to epic app.
    Click farcry6 and get taken back to the connect your account to Ubisoft menu…sigh.

    • I forgot all about pc, was wondering how to get on Xbox.

    • I got them linked but when trying to install from Epic library it just says unavailable.

      • Yea that's what mine says now.

  • Cheers, not a bad way to spend a weekend I guess.

  • For video games, please tag them as Xbox One game, Xbox Series Game, PS4 Game, PS5 game, Switch game and PC game etc

    Please do not tag the consoles themselves as will basically generate a false positive for users who are subscribed to the tag. For e.g if you posted a deal for a PS5 game and tagged it as a PlayStation 5, all the users looking to buy a console (subbed to that tag) would get a notification for a game instead.

  • Now selling for AU$35.53 approx. delivered at Amazon AU(amazon.com.au)

    PS4, PS4, X1, XSX

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